Preference: You have a nightmare

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Dallas: You woke up in the middle of the night. You shot awake almost crying. "What's wrong?" You heard Dally stir awake beside you. "Nothing. Sorry I woke you." You mumbled laying back down Dally put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. "It's alright I get 'em too." He whispered before drifting off to sleep.

Johnny: You had fallen asleep on Johnny in the lot. You woke up in a cold sweat to see Johnny shaking you. "(Y/n), you alright? It looked like you were having a nightmare." I smiled at him. "I'm fine." I said as I cuddled back up to him. "let me know if I can do anything." He said putting an arm around me. "You're doing it." I mumbled before falling back asleep.

Darry: Your eyes shot open and you were breathing heavily. This was weird for you cause you almost never had nightmares. "You alright darlin'?" You turned over and saw Darry had woken. "It was just a nightmare. I'll be fine." You smiled. Darry pulled you over to him and hugged you. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked. For the rest of the night you and Darry just talked about anything and everything.

Steve: you had fallen asleep at the drive-in watching a scary movie with Steve. "(Y/n)! Wake up. It's just a bad dream." You woke up and saw Steve shaken' you. "I need to stop watchin' scary movies." You laughed. "We didn't have to come." Steve said. "Let's go back home and have a Disney marathon. That good?" You smiled. Steve is such a sweetheart.

Ponyboy: nightmares had become a nightly thing for you. You usually have at least one each night. "Whats wrong?" Pony asked as soon as I woke. "Were you not sleeping?" You asked "No. I had a bad dream. Apparently you did too." He said. "Yeah." You said remembering the dream. "Want me to read to ya to calm you down?" "Please?" You ask cuddling into him. Pony turned the lamp beside him on and his book off the nightstand. You fell asleep to Ponys calm voice reading Gone With the Wind.

Sodapop: You didn't have many nightmares but when you did it was the same one. Soda leaving you. Tonight was one of those nights. You shot up and saw Soda still sleeping. You decided to take a shower. "Where you going?" Soda groaned as you went to get out of bed. "You would never leave me. Right?" Soda sat up more awake now. "Of course not. Your my everything. Is that what that nightmare is?" You just nodded your head. "I would never leave you." You smiled and layed back down with Soda. You never had that that nightmare again.

Two-Bit: There was this one nightmare that you always had but could never remember. It always left you scared to death though. Well you just had this nightmare and decided a beer would calm your nerves. You were leaning against the counter drinking when you felt arms go around your waist. "What's got you awake Darlin'?" Two mumbled in your ear. "It's that damn nightmare again." You said taking another drink of your beer. "Well that's not gonna help. It never does." Two-Bit said taking your beer and dumping it out. "How 'bout we go and watch cartoons instead?" I put his head on your shoulder. "Looney tunes?" You looked at him. "Fine." I smiled. "Because I love you." You went to the living room and ended up falling asleep on the couch together watching cartoons.

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