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**Johnnys POV**

I have just about every class with Pony and Two-Bit. Except for this class. Math. I have to sit by this girl (Y/n). She talks. The entire time. The teacher was calling roll and she want here yet. Thank god. But as soon as the teacher got to her name she ran in and smiled. She was wearing a green sweatshirt and white jeans. According to her Monday is lazy day and you're allowed to look as bad as you want.

"Present." She walked over and sat down. The teacher rolled her eyes and continued calling names. "Hey Johnny." I just nodded. She just sat there staring at me for a few minutes.

"W-What?" I asked kinda annoyed.

"Why don't you ever talk?" She continued staring.

"I don't know." I turned back to take notes.

"Talk to me!" She took my pencil and broke it. I glared at her. "Yeah, that wasn't really necessary but I wouldn't have done it if you would talk to me." I was getting another pencil out as she talked.

"I don't talk a lot. It's not a big deal." I continued writing.

"But I want you to talk to me!"


"I don't know. You seem interesting. Quiet people always are." She sighed and started looking around.

" Fine. What do you wanna know about me?" We spent the rest of class talking and her asking me questions. Class was almost over and we were still talking.

"See I'm not as annoying as you thought. Am I?" She laughed. I just rolled my eyes.

"See ya tomorrow." I said as the bell rang.

"Bye." She replied.

I met up with Ponyboy and Two-Bit and we decided to go to the DX and hang out with Steve and Sodapop. It wasn't a very busy day. We were all talking but I stopped when I heard a familiar voice.

"(Y/n)! This wouldn't have happened if you didn't lose the key."

"No it wouldn't have happened if you didn't give me the key!" We all turned to see who came in. (Y/n). I think the guy is her brother. They look a lot alike. "Johnny!" Well I guess she sees me.

"Hey." I turned around.

"You know this kid (Y/n/n)?" Her brother asked.

"Yeah he's in my math class. I'll meet you in the car." She smiled.

"(Y/n/n)?" I laughed.

"Only my brother calls me by my nick name!" She blushed.

"Is this the key you were talking about?" I pulled a key out of my pocket.

"Yes! Where'd you find it!" She said excitedly and grabbed it.

"You dropped it on your way out of class." I laughed.

"Thank you!" She hugged me. Not expecting that. " I can get in my house now!"

"Couldn't your parents let you in?" I asked.

"They're out of town. Again." She mumbled the last word but I let it go. "Well I gotta go. Thanks Johnny." She kissed my cheek and I felt my face get warm.

"When did you get yourself a girl?" Soda said as she left.

"She's not my girl." I rolled my eyes. Soda smirked and went to ring someone up.

**Your POV**

"Who was that?" My brother asked as I got in the car. "And where'd you get the key."

"That was Johnny and I dropped it in math class and he grabbed it." I replied buckling up.

"You like him." He stated.

"Yeah. I do. He's just so sweet and cute! But I'm stupid and annoying. He'd never go for a girl like me." I sighed.

"A girl like you? Any guy would be lucky at have a girl like you!"

"Thanks bro. Let's go home." We went home and the first thing I did was take a shower when I got out my brother was on the phone.

"It's for you." I took the phone and answered.


"Hey, it's Johnny."

"Johnny! How'd you get my number?"

"It was on one of your key chains."

"Hahaa yeah I forgot about that."

"H-how bout I take you on a date tomorrow?" He sounded nervous. He's so cute!

"Yeah. I'd like that." I smiled.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." Is miles and hung the phone up.

"What did he want?" My brother asked.

"He asked me out!" I yelled and he spun me around. "I'm so happy!"

"I told you any guy would be lucky to have you!"

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'm gonna go to bed." I ran up to my room. I was so happy I couldn't even sleep.

**Johnnys POV**

"Johnny Cade did you just ask a girl out?" Pony smirked.

"Shut up!" I felt myself blush. "It's not a big deal."

"It's time for bed. You boys have school tomorrow." Darry said getting out of his chair and going to his room. Pony went to his room and I layed down on the couch. I'm so happy I can't even sleep.

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