Johnny *requested*

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This was requested by U-Live-and-U-Learn. I hope you like it!

My head was leaned against the window of the bus and I watched the scenery go by in boredom. I've been on buses various for the past five hours. I sighed in relief when I finally heard the man say through the speaker, 'Next stop Tulsa, Oklahoma.' I grabbed my bag and made sure to stuff everything I have in it. I waited anxiously for the bus to stop and when it did I jumped off faster than a student getting out of school. I threw my bag over my shoulder and started making my way down the street. It took about half an hour buy I finally made it to my cousins. I smiled to myself and ran up the steps and into the house. Before I could open my mouth I was tackled into a hug.

"Emmalee!" I should've known it was Sodapop. "What're you doing here?"

"Just visiting my favorite cousins!" I exclaimed. After hearing my voice Darry and Ponyboy both came running into the the living room. I gave both of them hugs and I finally got to get out of the doorway and moved to the couch. I looked around to see two other boys one that was tan with dark hair and another with a opened DX shirt and cut-off sleeves. They were introduced to me as Johnny and Steve.

"So what brings you to Tulsa?" Darry asked me, wanting an actual answer.

"I ran away from home. Decided I'd come visit y'all first." I answered seriously.

"Well, you're welcome to stay as long as you like." Darry said, sending me a small smile. "Soda and I have to go to work though, so you can hang out with Johnny and Pony."

"I'm chill with that." I said while smiling at the two boys. The three other boys jumped into Darrys truck and sped off to work while we all sat in the living room.

"We were gonna go to The Dingo. Ya wanna come?" Pony asked.

"Of course." I grinned. We all walked out of the house and made our way to this place called The Dingo.

"So how long have you known my cousins, Johnny?" I asked the shy boy.

"Umm, we've known each other for a while now." He stuttered.

"You're adorable." I told him and watched his cheeks turn pink.

"You're not so bad yourself." He said quietly, causing a wide smile to grow on my face.

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with my best friend and favorite cousin flirting right in front of me." Ponyboy said with a teasing smile. Johnnys face got even pinker if that's even possible. I playfully shoved Pony and laughed as we walked into the Dingo. After getting our burgers and talking for a while I was starting to grow a liking towards Johnny. We were walking back to the house when I felt Johnny grab my hand and I couldn't help the small grin on my face. As we reached the house none of us had mentioned it.

"Emmalee, would you like to go on a date withe me?" He asked nervously.

"I'd love to." I smiled, squeezing his hand. He smiled the biggest smile I ever saw and then leaned over and kissed my cheek. I may be staying in Tulsa for a while.

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