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Kind of based off of the song 'Girl Crush' by Little Big Town?

I sat at the bar at Bucks while glaring in Steves direction. I can't believe he would leave me for some random girl he just met after a year of being together. I should be angry at him for cheating on me with her but for some reason I still love him. I couldn't help but think of how pretty she was compared to me. I looked at the girl in jealousy, wishing he had his arm around my waist and I was the one wearing his jacket. My vision was soon blocked by Dally sliding onto the stool beside.

"If you stare any longer you might burn a hole in the side of his head." Dally said with a smirk.

"I wish." I scoffed as I took another drink if my beer. Dally stared at me and for a second I thought I saw a glimpse of sympathy flash through his eyes.

"How 'bout we get out of here?" Dally whispered into my ear. His hot breath hit my ear and sent a shiver down my spine. I didn't say anything but nodded as he looked into my eyes. A small smile grew on Dallys face as slid off the stool and grabbed my hand, pulling me along with him. A giggle escaped my mouth as Dally pulled me through the crowded bar, looking over his shoulder every now and then. I only glanced back once and I saw Soda pointing at us and Steve watching us in curiosity. When we got to Bucks car Dally held open my door as I got into the car and I gave him a confused smile. He then ran over to the drivers side and jumped in, quickly starting the car. We had small talk as he drove to wherever he was taking me. We eventually reached this abandoned rail road with an old rusty train sitting on the tracks. He pulled me into one of the carts and I saw what looked like a little bedroom.

"I come here to think." He told me. "Now what's on your mind?" He asked, giving me a knowing look.

"I'd hate to admit it." I said quietly and blushed.

"I won't judge." He reassured. "At least not too much." I looked at my hands in my lap pondering if I should tell him what I've been thinking. Finally the words escaped my mouth.

"I've got a girl crush." I glanced at him to see interest and confusion written across his face. "I've got it real bad. I want everything she has. I wanna taste her lips because they because they taste like him, I wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume, I want her long blonde hair, and I want her magic touch. Maybe then he'd want me just as much." I realized my voice was slowly getting louder as I spoke. "Sorry, I must sound ridiculous." I laughed. Dally didn't answer but leaned in slowly before connecting my lips with his. The kiss was strong and passionate. Our lips molded together as if they were made to fit together, like two puzzle pieces. Eventually he pulled away and we both were out of breathe.

"You don't sound ridiculous." He whispered as his forehead rested against mind. "Continue."

"I don't get no sleep thinking about her under his bedsheets." His fingers traced my lips as I spoke. "God knows I've tried to get her off my mind." A tear fell down my face. "I've just got a girl crush." He wiped the tear as he stared into my big, watery eyes.

"You don't wanna be like her." He told me. "She lost that magic touch a few days ago apparently. I think you've had it all along." He whispered. "She'll be gone in a week and he'll come running back to you." He kissed me again, this time a little bit rough. "But maybe you can turn him down because you're with someone else."

"Who did you have in mind?" I asked with a small as he kissed me yet another time.

"His names Dallas Winston and I've heard he's pretty great." He smirked.

"I think that's definitely something I could tell Steve then." A wide smile grew on Dallys face as he picked me up and started spinning me around. I started laughing and felt happy for the first time in a month.

"You can't tell anyone I did that." He mumbled into my ear when he stopped.

"Cross my heart." I smiled. We then left the railroad tracks and he took me home. He ended up coming in for a movie. We were about to reach the climax when the phone rang causing us both to groan. Dally rolled his eyes and answered the phone.

"What?" He grumbled into the phone. I stared at him curiously as I heard another voice talking to him very loudly. "Sorry Steve. My girl and I are watching a movie." He smirked. "What'd you want to talk with her for anyway?" I then heard yelling come from the other line and Dally held the phone away from his face. I tried to hold back my laugh but he heard and started tickling my feet. I then started laughing extremely hard and was trying to pull my feet away as Dally hung up the phone. Once I finally escaped and we started watching the movie the phone call was long forgotten.

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