Darry *requested*

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This imagine is for @StephanieChavez190. I hope you like it.

I looked around the small town that would be my new home. Tulsa, Oklahoma. It's not great but it'll do for now. I've just graduated high school and I had to get away from my home. My house is on, what looks like, the run down side of town. Hopefully once I get a job I can get a better place. I started walking to the grocery store to get food. I feel like I haven't eaten in days! As I was walking a blue mustang started following me.

"Hey Greaser!" I asked with a confused look on One of the boys in the car yelled at me.

"Excuse me?" What in hell is a greaser?

"Oh. We got a new one boys!" They all started laughing. "Why don't you let us show you around?" He winked and laughed again.

"No I'm good." I started walking away.

"Let me rephrase that." One of them said. "Get in the car!"

I stared at them for a moment before running across the empty lot beside me. I heard the boys slam the car doors and start running after me. I looked back to see them right behind me. One grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He held my arms behind my back as the other two took turns hitting me.

"You're gonna regret running!" The one behind me said. "Our other plans were much more fun than this."

"Hey! Get off her!" The guys let me go and I fell to the ground and started coughing up blood. I looked over to see a big guy walking over.

"What're you gonna do to stop us?" Instead of answering he punched the one who spoke in the face. He then proceeded to beat the other two up. I just watched not knowing if I should get up and run or wait for him to get done. I tried to get up but fell to the ground again. I guess I'm waiting. The three rich looking kids ran back to their car as the big guy told them to stay in their territory. Maybe Tulsa wasn't the best choice.

"Are you okay?" The guy asked as he crouched down to help me up.

"I'm fine." I grunted as I slung an arm around his shoulder. "Thanks for me?"

"Darry." He replied and smiled. "You new here or something?" He asked as he lead me back to his house to get me cleaned up.

"Yeah. Got here last night." I replied. "I'm Stephanie by the way."

"Well maybe I can show you around some time." He offered with a sincere smile.

"Yeah." I grinned slightly. "That'd be nice."

Maybe Tulsa won't be so bad after all.

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