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**Darrys POV**

(Y/n) and I have been dating for about three months. I haven't told any of the gang about her yet. I really like her and don't want them to scare her off. Today is my day off and the gang will either be at school or work so I invited (Y/n) over. She's never actually been to my house.

"Babe!" (Y/n) ran into the house and jumped on my back.

"What?" I laughed.

"I love you!" She kissed my cheek.

"I love you too!" I turned her around and kissed her.

"Why'd your boss give you a day off?" She said while playing with my hair.

"I hurt my back while working."

"Oh does it still hurt?"

"Just a little."

"Do you want me to massage your back?" Before I could answer she was massaging. Damn she's good. In middle of it the phone rang.

"Hey Darry. I forgot my lunch at home." I groaned. "Can you bring it to me?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Who is it?" (Y/n) asked. I mouthed sodas name.

"Is that a girl?" Soda asked. "Never mind. I want her to bring it to me. Please Darry! I won't tell anyone your talking to a girl! Can I meet her?"

"He talks really loud." (Y/n) laughed making me smile.

"Girl! Can you bring me my lunch?" Soda yelled.

"Soda. We'll be there in a minute." I hung up. "Wanna meet my kid brother." I smiled.

"Sure." She smiled and went to the kitchen to grab his lunch. She ran out to the truck and jumped into the drivers seat. "Can I drive?" She asked hopefully.

"I guess." I handed her the keys and she squealed. She started driving and to say she was awful was an understatement. I thought I was gonna have a heart attack.

"I probably shoulda told you I'm a reckless driver." She laughed as she pulled into the DX.

"How did you get your license?" I asked with wide eyes.

"My dad was good friends with the driving instructor." We got out of the car and walked into the DX. Soda was staring. I don't know if it was because of the driving or (Y/n) or maybe even both.

"Did he let you drive?" Soda asked her astonished.

"Yeah." She smiled. "And it's probably never going to happen again." She laughed.

"Well I'm Darrys kid brother Soda."

"Well I'm Darrys girl (Y/n)."

"What? You're his girl? For how long?" He asked with shock.

"Almost three months." She smiled.

"What? And you didn't tell me Darry?"

"I didn't want anyone scaring her off." I laughed at his face. "Don't tell anyone yet. I'll tell them later." I said and kissed her cheek.

"Gross! Don't do that in front of me!" Soda ran into the back.

"We're gonna go Soda." (Y/n) went to run out but I grabbed her around the waist. "Give me the keys." I laughed.

"Ugh. Fine." She groaned and handed me the keys. We went back home for the rest of the day and then I took her home before anyone got to the house and we hung out there for a while. When I came home I heard Soda talking.

"Yeah she's funny, loud, and she's hot! They've been dating for three months!"

"They've been dating for three months and he didn't tell us?!" Pony said.

"Almost three months." I walked in and Soda sank in his chair. "I told you not to tell anyone."

"They were all staring at me! I had to!"

"Whatever. Do you guys wanna meet her?"

"Uh yeah!" Pony says.

"Okay I'll bring her over tomorrow." All the boys groaned.

"Today!" Soda said.

"I'll call her and ask." I rolled my eyes.

**Your POV**

About twenty minutes after Darry left I got a phone call.

"Yeah?" I pick up the phone.

"Hey babe. Soda told the rest of the gang about you and apparently they can't wait til tomorrow to meet you."

"Babe!" I yelled and heard him laugh. "Yeah I can come over."

"Okay I'll be there in a few." Darry came to pick me up and on the way to his house he warned me about how they would react. When we got there I was laughing as I walked in and turned to see five people staring at me and Soda waving.

"Hey Soda." I smiled waving back. "And other people I don't know." I add on awkwardly. At first meeting them was kinda awkward but after a while it was fun. The only person I had a problem getting along with was Pony.

"Well I gotta go home now. See you later." I got up and walked outside while Darry followed. He refuses to let me walk home.

"Why doesn't Ponyboy like me?" I asked turning to him.

"I don't know. He didn't like my last girlfriend either. I guess it's cause they never stuck around that long." He shrugged as if it were nothing.

"Well I'm sticking around! And I'm coming over tomorrow and I'm gonna get to him and he's gonna get to know me and we're gonna be BESTFRIENDS!" I say as he pulls into my drive way.

"All right. I'll let him know." He laughed and I got out of the car. "I love you."

"I love you too. And yeah. He's gonna need a warning." I laugh. And blow him a kiss before going into the house.

I am definitely going to be sticking around.

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