The Trifecta, Chap 1 Never forget the past RW.

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Present time
The legendary fatalis has set foot on the the castle and created destruction in it wake. A infamous group of hunter with unknown power tried there best to defeat it, but it's strength is too great.

Sojira: Shiva!!!! Shiva!!! Get the hell up. (Sigh) got damnit she out cold.

Fatalis turn his head towards soljira and Shiva and begin charging up a fire blast. Before fatalis fire the blast, Aj throw his sword towards fatalis head and knock it off balance. The fire ball nearly miss the girls by an foot away from them.

Aj: Hey! Is Shiva ok? Can she move?

Sojira: She's unconscious and bang up pretty bad. Huh?

Shiva:(sleep talking) sojira get your boobs away from my face, Ill play with them later while you sleep.


Aj: Ladies, if you done with your little chat I could use some help but hey no pressure I'm just fighting a god while you both finish.

Fatalis swipe it's tail at Aj knocking him back towards the wall.

Aj: Heh, you gotta try better than that mate!

Fatalis next use it's tail to raise up and slam it down onto Aj with a devastating blow making the whole ground shake and crumble.

Aj:(Grunts) That a little better. (That's hurts so bad)

Fatalis repeatedly smashing Aj down with its massive claws, then pick up Aj with its mouth and toss him towards the wall of the castle making him get stuck on the wall.

Aj: I really do think all monster fucken hates me.

Fatalis leap towards Aj on the wall but before it made contact Aj jump over fatalis then spike him down with Long sword hurting Fatalis.

Fatalis: (Roars in pain)

Aj: Yeah! Yeah! That's what happens when you do to much mate.

Sojira: Damn she not waking up.

Kuro: (Meowing)

Sojira: What are u doing here!? Shouldn't u be with the others? Get back!

Fatalis charging up another fire blast and aiming straight for kuro.

Sojira: NO!! STOP!!!

fatalis fire a devastating blast towards kuro. At the moment Sojira dash towards kuro to get to him but he was too far . Everything exploded leaving nothing but a cloud of smoke.

Aj: oh no! Wait! Where Shiva?

When the smoke clears it show Shiva standing in front of both of them with a great sword.

Shiva: Ha haaaa Yosh. Glad I woke up in time. You ok lil guy? Huh?

Shiva just realized that her and kuro was shielded by an ice wall.

Shiva: Oh? Heh heh

Sojira: I don't need you help, I never did and I never will you idiot!

Shiva: (Smiles) You're do just fine, you will achieve greatest without me.

Sojira: (Blushing and angry) Wha....what? Why the hell are you smiling? What do you mean do just fine?

Shiva: Yeegums!!! I'm coming!!!!

Sojira: W...wait and she left ok.

Shiva run to Aj aid to help with the fight against fatalis. Fatalis use it's claws to cut down Aj but with his speed he able to faze through fatalis attacks.

Shiva: Yeegums are you ok?

Aj: Yea I was just having some tea with our giant friend right here.

Shiva: Really? Can I have some? Two sugar cubes please. No wait coffee. I want coffee. That sugar rush can make a girl go mad you know.

Aj: Wow that CRAZY.

Shiva: I know right so, um you got the coffee or...

Aj: Ahhhhhhhh!!! Noooo!!! You fool!! Help me

Shiva: Ah sucks

Fatalis charging up a blast and getting ready to fire until a wave of ice hit fatalis belly with such force that it knock it down on all fours.

Shiva: Nice going soljira! (Thumbs up)

Sojira: Shut up! I don't need your support.

Aj use the clutch claw to grab on fatalis face and launch it towards the stone wall. Fatalis was dazed but very angry it scream at the top of it's lungs and after that was hit by a barrage of cannon balls. Fatalis knocked completely to the ground.

Shiva: Ha sucker.

Aj: Ah haaa perfect timing shiva. Alright let's regroup together.

Sojira: Got it, just down slow me down.

Shiva: Ok Yeegums I got your back.

Shiva, soljira, and Aj stand side by side preparing to work as a team to take down fatalis. Fatalis able to regain focus and began to fly upward an the sky roaring at them. With no remorse fatalis flew towards them an a fit of rage.

Shiva: I'm glad I get to experience this with all of you guys, I will not forget the bonds I shared with you two. I'll make sure to treasure my memories of both till the end of time.

Sojira: (Sigh and speaks quietly) And there will be more to come.

Shiva: Wait. What you say?

Sojira: NOTHING!


Shiva: (Smiles) Alright  let's do this!

THE TRIFECTA: next chap, A start of becoming GREATNESS.

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