The TRIFECTA Chap 58 Hidden Strength, Deep Sleep

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Mielle: [Meditating]

Sojira: [Meditating]

Both Mielle and Sojira meditate throughout the day but Sojira find it very hard to focus.

Sojira: [Sighs].....[Stare]

Mielle: [Meditate]

Sojira: {She look so calm and peaceful. How can she be like that with all the things going on like this?}

Mielle: [Meditating while blushing]

Sojira: {Now her face turning red. Whats going on?}

Mielle: [Slowly open eyes] Um. [Blushing] Are you going to keep looking at me like that?

Sojira: (Shocked) Huh? No! No! No! I was just impressed you managed to be so calm doing this.

Mielle: [Thinking] Luna said the same thing.

Sojira: [Nervous] Huh!? No! I really mean it! I just cant be calm.

Mielle: [Giggles while moving closer]

Sojira: [Nervous] Um, what are you doing?

Mielle sat close to Sojira, almost in her personal space.

Mielle: So tell me. What makes you calm? What makes you relax?

Sojira: Hmn, there's only one person but even that she makes me worry most of the time.

Mielle: Oh, Mew right?

Sojira: [Nod]

Mielle: Does she motivate you?

Sojira: Of course.

Mielle: [Thinking] Maybe, picture an image in your head her telling you not to give up.

Sojira: I dont think it works that way.

Mielle: [Thinking] Something that can make you relax.

Sojira: [Ice sculpting]

Mielle: Hm? What are you doing?

Sojira: I'm creating an ice sculpture of Mew. I might as well get her size as well.

Mielle: [Amazed] Wow. I never knew you was so talented.

Sojira: It's just a hobby im been doing since i was a kid. I have a very good photographic memory of what she looks like, so doing this is no problem.

Mielle: [Trying to remember] Agh! Hm, (Angry)

Sojira: (Confused) What's wrong?

Mielle: [Tearing up] Hmmmm.

Sojira: [Grab shoulders] Hey.

Mielle: [Crying] I can't remember.

Sojira: Remember what?

Mielle: I can't remember Luna's smile. All I can see is her in pain.

Sojira: .......

Mielle: Why is it so hard to remember? [Drops down]

Mielle trying her best to draw what Luna looks like with a smile in the dirt and sand but cannot match what's she's looking for.

Mielle: [Sobs] Luna, I'm sorry.

Sojira: {I've been hurting for so long about Mew's death I didn't even realize how much Mielle is in pain from her lost as well.}

Sojira kneel right next to Mielle and place her hand on her shoulder.

Sojira: Mielle, you know what her features are? Like hair, eyes, and others?

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