The TRIFECTA Chap 88 The ones who knows Suffering pt1

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[Moon's Path]

In the Moon's Path Sojira decided on herself to train hard with Celestial. The infinity space of the Moon's path gravity is heavy and using any powers or abilities can weigh you down massively. Celestial started off small with Sojira by training with her ice ability only. It was hard for her at the time as she sometimes can even activate her own powers but with a little more time and patience, Sojira can professionally use her ice and crystalized powers without using much energy. With all that, she continues to train as she been hitting multiple targets and fighting multiple clones that resemble Sony.

Sojira: [Breathing heavily]

Sojira's hands covered in frost as her hands shakes uncontrollably. She can barely move them from how numb their are.

Celestial: Take a break child.

Sojira: No, I'm not done yet. I can still fight.

Celestial: ....... You are in a space where time doesn't matter. Take this endless amount of time to get some rest here cause your next training will bring you up close to my level of power.

Sojira: You serious?

Celestial: You started off with snow and ice, then you went crystallize. You're objective now is to learn diamond. One of the strongest material a Moon user can do.

Sojira: (Surprised) Diamond.

Celestial: Of course I'll show you the basics of how you can control your elements cryo, pyro, and electro. You going to be using them as stances and only use your diamond powers for emergency. Diamond is completely unbreakable but will take tons of energy to pull off.

Sojira: Stances?

Celestial: Your problem at using your powers is you overused your elements instead of using it bit by bit. Constantly using ice like you are already will cause negative effects on your body. You have to balance them out. (Slightly annoyed) Not only that, it's also dangerous to to use your cryo stance while also using other elements in that stance. That what causing an explosive reaction that involves ice and electro. It would've been a lot worse if you did electro and pyro from a electro stance. You know what happened when you do that right?

Sojira: (Feel apologetic) Sorry.

Celestial: Now please get some rest. I'll set up your next and new opponent in time.

Sojira: New opponent!? Can you tell me who I'm dealing with?

Celestial: You fought her before. I'm just gonna make it more difficult for you.

Sojira: {Her, gotta be Shiva or maybe Emily.} Alright.

Celestial created a bed with her power to let Sojira sleep while she also created a small dome around her as she sit down and meditate.

Sojira: [Lay down] It feels like I've been here forever but at the same time I also feel stronger and approve so much within hours. [Giggles] I can't wait to see what she brings this time and maybe with all that, I can get some answers from her. [Sleep]

[Few hours later]

Sojira: [Woke up] Hmph, ok, I'm still at this Moon's Path......but...

Sojira is now in a endless void of a white Plainfield. There's nothing around her for miles.

Sojira: Something feels off. [Stare] Celestial?

Celestial is in a deep meditation state as her face looks a bit troubled.

Sojira: Is she alright? Maybe I should.....

???: Hello! So you are my opponent! Nice to me you.

Sojira: Hm? Who are you?

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