The TRIFECTA Chap 17 Dreaming Rehabilitation

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(Meanwhile in the Coral Highlands)

Aj and Jay finally made it to the Coral Highlands in search for Mr. Bills.

Aj: That took way longer than I thought.

Jay: But we made it, just like I said.

Aj: Yep. You done your job congrats.

Jay: (Feeling graceful) Cause I'm the best.

Aj: And now you outlive your usefulness.

Jay: Oh yeah! ...... What!?

Aj pull out his sword and started walking towards Jay.

Jay: (Angry) Hey! I did what you say! What are you doing!

Aj: You going down Mr. JJ. You're about to join the fishes GG styles.

Jay: Yooooo!


Aj: Hm?

Jay: Huh?

An explosion that happened right above them shaking the ground.

Aj: So he's up there. (Smiles) Finally, I can take you down this time. Let's go!

Jay: (For a sec you was about to kill me, you ass)

Aj and Jay race up the mountain of the Coral Highlands until they made it to a door in a cave entrance.

Jay: Hm? The door look already damaged. Looks like it from the inside as well. What the hell happened here?

Aj: I don't care. (Walks back)

Jay: Hey look! It's actually have a door bell.
(Bing).....(Bing)....(Bing) Hm, guess nobody....OH SHIT!

Aj got a running start and dropkick the door breaking straight through it almost hitting Jay in the process.

Jay: Hey! What the fuck!

Aj: That's just your fault. You was in the way. (Walks in) Hey Disappointment! Stay on watch outside.

Disappointment: Meow!

Jay: (Angry) Could have warn me!

Aj walks through the smoke and see nothing but broken machinery everywhere.

Aj: Hm? Some of these don't look like my father's work. What is that?

Aj went into a room where there's an experimental chair with lights surrounded it. Aj took a closer look and notice all the blood on the seat.

Aj: The hell happened here?! Hm?

Aj see some papers on the table next to the chair and show a list of subjects.

Aj: (Reading) Subject 117, Gundam. Subject 66 Lockdown. Subject 16........ Haze? The same Haze? Nah can't be. Hm? Subject VI? Lyra, mentally unstable? No that roman numerals for 6 right? Why is her's different than everyone else on this list? And what's going on with her being mentally unstable? AND WHY THE FUCK I CARE?! Hm?

Aj notice something in the far back. He pull out his sword and slowly walks forward.

Aj: (Shocked) Who are you?

Dr. Zeros: (Coughing a large amount of blood)

Aj: (This man most likely got caught in the explosion but, why does he have so many stab wounds?)

Dr. Zeros: (Laughing and coughing) I didn't expect you to show up. When the odds huh.

Aj: Where's my father?

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