THE TRIFECTA chap 2, The start of Becoming Greatness RW.

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20 years ago, during the time where Shiva living at her village the Formal clan. The Formal clan are people that improve there body with none stop training and hard work. Their strength is so great that they can bring a large monster down in one punch. For them to achieve that level they have to start around the age of 5 to begin there training.

Even though its a very young age, the Formal clan who always push their limits of they bodies can pull off the impossible. Shiva is 8 years old, currently training with her childhood friend Spike.

Shiva: Ouch! ouch! Ouch! (Struggling) I can't. I can't get up.

Spike: Aw come on Shiva, you got 158 push up to go. Don't start giving up now.

Shiva: (Crying) I can't. I just can't.

Spike: At this rate you'll never beat Jamal in a fight! Push harder!

Shiva: Jamal? Are you insane? Isn't Jamal like the best around at his age? There no way I can beat him. Wait! Not even you can beat him even if we team up!

Spike: Ha ha haaaa! I've train myself every single day. I'm not letting that kid touch me.

Jamal: (Touch)

Spike: Uh? HEY! What the dump man?

Jamal: (Giggles)

Jamal's parents call his name and Jamal take his leave, but not before giving a wave towards Shiva and Spike.

Spike: Dang it! I didn't even notice him coming.

Shiva: I just thought of something?

Spike: Hmm?

Shiva: Can he speak?

Spike: Well he can speak, it's just that well um hmm.

Shiva: Well?

Spike: He not talkative much after the incident

Shiva: What incident?

Spike: You should know it. The little teenage girl who was eaten alive by that monster. That his big sister and rumors be saying that it happened right in front of him.

Shiva: Oh, I didn't know that was his sister. She probably protected him to the very end.

Spike: Shiva don't worry about him now you still have training to do. Now you have to another 100 more on top of the 158 push up!

Shiva: (Crying) Whyyyy!!?

Shiva and Spike been training till the sun sets. The training was brutal for Shiva but she made it through the day. Shiva went home completely sore and barely can stand on her on two feet.

Shiva: Mom, Dad I'm home!

Debbie: Shiva you'll late for dinner again!

Shiva: But I was training with my friend Spike.

Debbie: (Scary face) then you should train faster cause missing dinner is a death sentence.

Shiva: Da..da..Dad!!!

Grim: It's ok honey I told her to take as much time as she need to finish her training schedule.

Debbie: (Sigh) Fine, just finished your dinner.

Shiva: Hehe thanks dad you save me that time.

Grim: Next time just make it here on time before dinner.

Shiva: Alright.

Shiva finish up dinner and went to bed. The next morning Shiva went outside to look for Spike. She went to his parents but they said he already left an few minutes ago. Shiva search all over the village but can't fine him anywhere. About to just give up, she notice someone is going to the woods.

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