The TRIFECTA Chap 33 What makes us Human

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Biscuit: Lyra? (Shaking her) Lyra?

Lyra: (Waking up) Hm? Oh, I went to sleep on the floor.

Biscuit: You not the only one. (Point)

Lyra: Huh? (Looks)

Alice: (Sleeping)

Lyra: (Shocked) Oh.

Biscuit: What happened yesterday?

Lyra: ...... Alice was telling me a bedtime story.

Biscuit: (Jealous) Aw, what! No fair. Is the story good?

Lyra: .....sad.

Biscuit: (Shocked) Oh, didn't expect that.

Lyra: Me either.

Biscuit: (Shaking Alice) Miss Alice?

Alice: (Waking up) Hm? Oh geeze, I went to sleep.

Biscuit: Yeah get up sleepyhead.

Alice: (Smiles) I'm up, I'm up. (Remembered) Oh no I forgot. Joshua. I need to check to see how he's doing. (Stands up and started power walking away)

Biscuit: Wow, Joshua here?

Lyra: (Blushing) Hmph.

Biscuit: What?

Lyra: Nothing. So you know him?

Biscuit: Nah, not much. He's keep to himself mostly. But everytime I see him, it feels like something is bothering him all the time.

Lyra: (Confused) Bothering him how?

Biscuit: (Shrugs) Don't know. Just a feeling.

Lyra: K.

Biscuit: Hey Lyra, thanks for fixing my toy.

Lyra: Oh, it's nothing. It's just missing parts so I put it back together.

Biscuit: Still, I'm glad you here.

Lyra: (Blush) Well, no problem.

Biscuit: (Giggles) Alright, I think breakfast should be ready downstairs. Let's head there and grab a bite.

Lyra: Yeah, I'm starving.

Both of walk towards the cafeteria and by Lyra surprise, it's extremely crowded with kids.

Lyra: Oh my....

Biscuit: (Giggles) It does looks pretty overwhelming at first, but it's not a big deal. You even have an option to eat in your room. Just makes sure you bring the plates back. I use to do that at first until I got comfortable being with them. Let's grab our plates I want meatloaf stuff with Mac and cheese.

Lyra: (Giggles) What the hell?

Biscuit: It's good you should try it. (Smiling) I dare you.

Lyra: You dare me? Ha! You're on! And if I hate it, you have to throw your meatloaf Mac and cheese away.

Biscuit: Noooooo! Not the meatmac!

Lyra and Biscuit: (Giggles)

They grab their plates and sit with their friends.

Simone: (Smiling) Hello ladies.

Biscuit: Hey Simone. (Sits)

Lyra: (Sits and wave)

Bucket: (Playing with food) Haha, die vegetables die!

Trish: Looks like someone had a nightmare about eating healthy.

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