Gathering Events pt6

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( Scene 1 The unnecessary argument)

Sojira: Ok I'll grab these groceries and take em to the car you just pay for the last item. This should be the exact amount. [Leaves]

Mew: Okay babe.

Mew place the item near the scanner.


Lyra: Ah, that will be 4.90.

Mew: [Hand over the money]

Lyra: Thank you and here go your receipt.

Mew: Thank you so much. Oh and can I get a bag as well.

Lyra: That will be ten cents.

Mew: [Stare] ....Um, okay um...[Searching] Let's see if I have it.

Lyra: [Smiling while watching]

Mew: [Continue searching] Ah, ten cents just a small coin. Easy to lose one. [Search pants] [Search back pockets] Just give me a sec.

Lyra: [Smiling] Take your time miss.

Mew: [Search bra] [Search Sojira's glasses] Man it's actually hard to find ten cents can't you believe it? [Giggles]

Lyra: [Smiling]

Mew: [Grab mic] Um, hello? Anyone with ten cents anyone? No one? Damn.

Lyra: [Smiling]

Mew: [Stare]

Lyra: [Smiling]

Mew: [Stare].......(Angry) Look yo I don't have ten cents!

Lyra: [Straight face] Then you aren't getting a bag.

Mew: Come in its just ten cents.

Lyra: (Mad) Ten cents that your ass don't fucken have!

Mew: [Gasps] Why are you getting so hostile? They pay you to scan bananas Mexicant, not be an asshole.

Lyra: Why can't you just give me ten cents for a bag? You can just get your girl to pay it for you....

Mew: Over a plastic bag!? That's gonna take too long plus she going to look at me crazy for not having ten cents.

Lyra: Does it look like I got don't give a fuck tattoo on my forehead?

Mew: [Wearing glasses] Um, no?

Lyra: Good, cause I don't.

Mew: Good one, but who the fuck carries around ten cents!? Besides elderly people and aunties.

Lyra: That's why you get the bag with the transaction so you don't have to worry about it.

Mew: I changed my mind, people change they mind! Okay sometimes......

Lyra: [Grab Mew's shirt] Shitfire Bitch! I know you don't have ten cents on you mother fucker. You knew you needed a bag and you knew it cost ten cents but you wait until after the transaction so you can get the bag for free you slick sick fuck. Over here fake looking for 10 cents like you walking around with 10 cents you aren't going to pay a damn thing with your broke ass.

Mew: [Giggles] Okay, okay, okay, okay....[Pull out gun] Give me the fucken bag or I'll blow your face OFF OF YOUR FUCKEN FACE!

Lyra: Oh we doing this now?

Mew: Yeah, bitch!

Lyra: See the thing is [Pull out shotgun] this isn't my only rodeo you bum ass slut! Now give me the ten cents!

Mew: [Sarcasm] Oh my god I'm getting rob for ten cents. Bitch please I eat ass I don't give a fuck about dying. [Safety off]

Lyra: You think that effect me? I broke a bitch arm without even knowing and on top of that she have scoliosis and tuberculosis.

Mew: Give me the bag!

Lyra: Give me the ten cents!




Lyra: [Stare]

Mew: [Stare]

Lyra: [Sighs] You know what? I'm not gonna front, we don't even have bags girl we all out.

Mew: .......[Laughing] Hahahah!

Lyra: [Laughing] Hahaha!

Mew: Yeah this was stupid anyway this is a Walmart of course.

Lyra: [Smile] Yes ma'am.

Mew: This just milk anyway I'll just take it to the car.

Lyra: Alright have a nice day.

Mew: You too and thank you. [Leaves]

(Scene 2 Court)

Aj: [Looking at paper work] Ok Mr. Yatsu. So you are disputing a child support case because you believe that the custodial parent is only filling child support to be vindictive.

Yatsu: She is.......

Aj: Mr Yatsu Mr Yatsu Mr Yatsu.

Yatsu: [Stare]

Aj: Don't talk over me. Do I make myself clear?

Yatsu: [Nods]

Aj: Speak when you are spoken to.

Yatsu: Yes your honor.

Aj: Now this, this briefing is absurd and foolishness. Single mothers do not file child support out of spike or to be vindictive. Are you vindictive miss Luna?

Luna: Oh no I'm definitely am. Yeah no all this is out of spite actually. Yeah yeah, I want him to suffer like the dog he is like terribly.

Aj: [Look at luna] You're so brave. [Look at Yatsu] How often do you see your kid Mr Yatsu?

Yatsu: If she isn't dictating when and when I can't see my child at least for days out the week since he been born.

Aj: Ha! Dead beat of the fucken year. Miss Luna how often do you have your child.

Luna: I don't. Yeah no like maybe like I don't know once every four months. I really have no clue at all. My baby be with Apollyon something well most of the time. Do you want to talk with her? She can you know.

Aj: [Sighs] Family time, it's always great.

Yatsu: Apollyon do drugs your honor.


Yatsu: When was my second.....

Aj: Keep on, keep on, keep on. [Clears throat] is this true Luna? Does that woman who take care of your child see crack out of her home?

Luna: Yeah I buy from her.

Aj: [Sigh] Well, I'm glad you support black business. [Stare at Yatsu] What do you do for work you dead beat bum bitch?

Yatsu: Well if I'm not volunteering....

Aj: [YAWNING] Next, what you do miss?

Luna: Oh I don't work I'm a female, I just take stuff from other men. Set fuckers up, you know how it is.

Aj: Wow, the things black women have to do to survive.

Luna: I'm white.

Aj: The father have to pay 15 thousand a month....

Yatsu: What the fuck!!!!!!?????

Aj: (Pissed) That's it! I was going easy on your bum ass with 15 thousand a month but, since you wanna be a smart fuck...

Yatsu: [Starring at the people while sad music playing]

Aj: You gotta pay 75,000 a week! You can only see your son for one day out of a year! You gotta give up 90% of your belongings including your place of shelter, your car, half of your bank account, and you have to spend 25 years in federal prison! You piece of shit!

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