The TRIFECTA Chap 22 Broken Bridge

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(Meanwhile in the Elder recess Teostra lair)

Luna: (Playing monster cards) I won! Ha in your face Mielle um...

Mielle: (Sleeping)

Luna: (Sighs) She'll never change but honestly that's a good thing.

Seconds later someone swoop in with aggression.

Sony: (Angry) Ahhhhh! Everything was going so fucken well! What happened!?

Luna: I see things haven't gone well for you.

Sony: Shut up!

Luna: (Scared) Ok, ok.

Apollyon: (Sitting while eating) .....Hm.

Beauty: Oh it's okay Sony. Plans don't always work sometimes. You can come up with another one.

Sony: Yeah but this time they're be ready. (Sigh) I'm glad I escaped that shit. Aj and that other shit head almost got the better of me. Hm?

Yatsu: Let me go you fucken bitch!

Goku walks in holding Yatsu on his shoulders.

Goku: I'm back and energized as always!

Sony: .....

Luna: That's good, so how your side went?

Goku: Everything was going well until this guy (Shocked) .....Oh hey Sony.

Sony: Continue what you were saying. Did Yatsu interfere in your mission!

Sony kick Yatsu out of Goku's grasp making Yatsu hit the floor. Then Sony place his foot on Yatsu's neck adding a lot of pressure.

Sony: Did you fuck it up!?

Yatsu: (Choking)

Luna: Yatsu!

Christie: I knew he wouldn't be trusted.

Java: Worthless.

Za: If you're killing him, I'll have the body please. More skin for my collection.

Mielle: Maybe...he was ... helping Goku.

Sony: That's impossible! Goku strong enough to....

Goku: It's true.

Sony, Luna, and Yatsu: (Shocked)

Goku: That Yatta guy is way stronger than I imagined. That transformation and dealing with that monkey was a pain. That's when that woman slip past me.

Yatsu: ....

Goku: But afterwards, Yatsu join the fight to help me retreat.

Sony: (Angry) Goku what the hell!? I can't believe something that's stupid!

Tiffany: You can't really said nothing. You never face Yatta in a fight before.

Sony: But you did.

Tiffany: I wouldn't call it a fight. He was mostly retreating.

Beauty: (Happy) Don't worry everyone. Just be positive.

Mielle: Positive beauty, nasty bitch.

Beauty: .....

Apollyon: (Smirk) Hmph.

Luna: (Shocked) Oh my.....

Goku: (Laughing) Hahaha!

Beauty: (Pissed off) WHAT THE FUCK YOU JUST SAY TO ME!!!!?

Mielle: Heh there she is. (Sleeping)

Beauty: Don't sleep now fucker!!! WAKE UP!

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