The TRIFECTA Chap 45 Crossing the wheel of faith

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(Bounty hunter bar at Selma)

Yatta: [Just finished his drink] Ahhh, that was nice. So, let me ask your opinion on it. Do you believe it yourself?

Preston: Honestly it's far fetched, but I heard it from multiple sources.

Yatta: A large ice pillar in the middle of the Wildspire waste surrounded by scorching hot sand.

Preston: Yeah I know how it sounds, but...

Yatta: I don't think it's ice.

Preston: Oh? Guess we're thinking the same then.

Yatta: Hm?

Preston: I believe it's some type of crystal that is form in the Wildspire. That explains why that pillar haven't been melting even though it's been on the field for a few days.

Yatta: Do you have any reason why it's out there?

Preston: It was definitely done by a monster, but pure crystal? I don't know.

Yatta: [Thinking] {Could be her.}

Preston: Have any ideas?

Yatta: [Lied] Um, no. Not really.

Preston: There also the incident at the Rotten veil.

Yatta: Heard about that. There was like a large battle took place there.

Preston: Turns out that guy was there too. Day after day more people started to know his name. Sony if I remember. He's the one who attack the castle and killed that little girl as well.

Yatta: Sony huh.

Preston: I even heard some rumors that he was killing his own which I fine that strange. What his plan?

Yatta: Killing his own? Now why would he do that?

[Door open]

Yatta and Preston: Hm?

An old man with a hawk walk in the bar with a large man and both look well armed.

Luke: [Sighs] This place is so filthy.

Haze: The smell of blood sweat and gunpowder in the air. That should be normal for you.

Luke: I'm use to taken down my opponents without a struggle something that you not yet good at.

Haze: (Angry) What are you talking about!? My fighting skills is perfect just the way they are.

Luke: [Sits down] All you do is swing a big ass hammer.

Haze: [Sits down] That's all I need.

Yatta: {That old man. Is he from the Shoguns Dream clan?}

Preston: [Listening]

Haze: This is the place right? I don't see him anywhere. Probably took a job.

Luke: Most likely. Just from the information we got when we arrived her, they talk about a red scarf wearing man took a mission from a red head woman.

Haze: Heh, red head and red scarf. That won't be easy to miss.

Luke: The red head woman might be a problem.

Haze: Why is that?

Luke: She from the Formal village.

Haze: Oh, nice. I wanted to get my hands on one of them.

Luke: In thu time yes, but right now we need to know where they going.

Haze: So why here?

Luke: We here to just ask around. Any info can do. I recommend asking those two that were starring at us since we walk in.

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