The TRIFECTA Chap 86 Zansetsu the Third Crimson Edge

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[Music Death Waltz]

Martha Kick Shiva out of the way and turn towards Zansetsu with the battle axe and dismember both of Zansetsu's arm but immediately afterwards both of his arm regenerate good as new.

Martha: His regeneration is faster than I expected. Even faster than mines. What's going on here....

Zansetsu: [Punch]

Zansetsu punch Martha pushing her back. That's when he created a blood weapon right in front of here.

Zansetsu: 😈 Yeah!!!!

Martha: Even a crimson blade!?

Zansetsu: Deify!

Martha: What!? [Blocks]

With a quick swing from his new katana blade creation, Martha couldn't register what happened. Her infamous blood crimson axe broke in half from Zansetsu's attack. Then after that Shiva went in full sprint for a massive and quick headbutt to Martha's chest. Even through the small pain Martha use blood control to form a area of effect or a small barrier to push Shiva away. She recreate her battle axe but as she did that Shiva and Zansetsu was already close to her. Zansetsu anime slash the axe destroying it again and that's when Shiva use her flash cannon but this flash cannon glows red and more powerful from her frenzy state. The beam carried Martha away untill she able to move out the way.

Martha: (Angry) Grrrrr...Ahhhhh! You both didn't have none of this when I fought you before.

Zansetsu: Who ever you referring to is not us. We're better.

Martha: (Angry) Ahhhhhhh! [Slam]

Martha slam her axe in the blood sea that created a large reaction to the sea creating large blood bubbles. She then continue using blood control in a enormous way by lifting all of the blood in the area and making that whole world berserk. The blood attacks everything by explosion and breaking the environment.

F-Shiva: Grrrrr!

Zansetsu: Fun trick.

Martha: Die!!!!!

Blood from all directions aimed at Shiva and Zansetsu with deadly impact force. They both dodge side to side going after Martha but when they gotten close to her a large bloody skull rises from the sea of blood.

F-Shiva: Wahhhh! [Stop]

Zansetsu: Hmm. [Jumps over]

The skull spine is connected to the ground as Zansetsu jumps over it but Shiva stayed put.

F-Shiva: [Flash cannon]

Flash cannon hit the large skull but have no effect on it. As it got close Shiva recreate the bloody club and slam it on to it's head but it was too strong. The skull slams its head on the ground next to her throwing her back.

F-Shiva: Grrrrr, then I'll make one bigger! [Create large club]

Zansetsu: [Dash]


Shiva crush the giant skull into pieces killing it off.

F-Shiva: Now, helping Yeegums.....[Transform back]......

The blood aura drain from her body and went back to her normal state.

Shiva: Huh? What happened?.......[Feeling dizzy]

Shiva eyes started to fade but she snap out of it before dropping to the ground. Meanwhile Zansetsu and Martha are going head to head with each other. Martha swings her axe forward at Zansetsu but he dodge it and went behind Martha. Martha place the pole of the axe on her shoulder and twirl it around her neck spinning it almost hitting Zansetsu but with her fast movement she able to get two direct hits in by slashing his chest and cut off both his arms. Zansetsu still regenerate both his limbs and was fast enough to grab his sword and instantly heal his chest. He then spin kick Martha sending her back but not far.

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