The TRIFECTA Chap 99 End of a Fake World

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Sojira: Holy shit!

Shiva: Was that Richie?

AJ: Oh I forgot I have a cat.....

The flying structure crashed into Fatalis as she falls down in pain. Kuro, Richie, and DP ragdoll out of the structure landing hard on the ground.

Sojira: [Running] Kuro!

Kuro: (Shocked)....(Happy) Meow!

Sojira: [Holding Kuro] You bad, bad Kuro! You know how dangerous this is!? You could get killed!

Kuro: [Snuggle] Meow, moon, mmmeeom.

Kuro tries to speak a bit of English trying his hardest to say Mom. Sojira caught on to it and hold him tightly in her arms.

Sojira: .......[Sighs] My sweet baby. [Hugs]

Kuro: [Hugs]

AJ: [Stare]

DP: [Stare]

AJ: So what you been up to?

DP search his small bag in pull out some cards.

AJ: Monster cards!? Oh? [Searching through them] These are legendary cards. All of them!

DP: Meow!

AJ: You've been gambling your ass off to get all of this. You probably have a good streak going as well. Good job. You are not as disappointed as I thought you were. Honestly you never was.

DP: [Smile]

Shiva: Hey there.

Richie: (Angry) Meow!

Shiva: Wait, before you get all mad at me, I just wanna say thanks for taking care of Kuro for a bit. I know you been through a lot lately and I'm proud to call you mines. So here.

Richie: Meow?

Shiva place a small hat on Richie's head.

Shiva: It's a small top hat. It's more like a memento just in case things don't go well planned through.

Richie: Meow?

Shiva: I'll be fine Richie. I always do.

Richie: ......Meow.

Shiva: Yeah, there's a time in a place but now, this........Hmn, I don't know actually. Maybe, just hold on with that info.

Richie: Meow.

Shiva: Cool.

Fatalis: [Stands up]

Yu: Stay down! [Slam]

Yu hit Fatalis right in the head knocking her back down. He place the blade of his weapon up to Fatalis neck slightly pressing on it.

Yu: [Stare]

Fatalis: [Stare]

Yu: (Angry) Stop!

Fatalis: .........[Smile]

Yu: Apollyon?......(Shocked)

Fatalis: [Destruction flames]

Yu jump back just barely avoided the blue massive flames. She started spreading fire all over the place. Then she put her attention towards everyone that is together and aim it at them.

Sojira: (Shocked) Move! Everyone! Move!

Shiva: [Blocks]

The fire is too fast for them to react in time. They all been pinned down by the continuous power of Fatalis flames. Shiva managed to block it with the crystal great sword but it's quickly breaking in front of her.

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