The TRIFECTA Chap 96 The End of Days pt2

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Mielle: [Deep breaths] Okay, slow and steady.

Fatalis: [Asleep]

Mielle: [Tap, tap]

Fatalis: [Open eyes]

With a furious look Fatalis stared into Mielle's eyes. Her eyes are like daggers stabbing through Mielle. Fear started to rush into her but she kept her composure and tried to calmly talk to Fatalis.

Mielle: Hey Ms. Apollyon it's been awhile right?

Fatalis: [Stare] .........

Mielle: (Uncomfortable) Um, I see you out here causing destruction and stuff. That's not normally you. Is there a reason why you doing this?

Fatalis: [Stare] .......

Mielle: I feel like I'm saying the wrong things.

While she talking to Apollyon, the others just finished setting up the cannons.

Joshua: There, all done.

Lyra: No, no, no.

Joshua: What is it?

Lyra: These cannons are a piece of shit! Even if we put cannon balls in it, it won't be guaranteed to fire.

Joshua: What?

Lyra: Everything old and rotten. They also badly damaged in the battle as well. How the hell they get anything done with this shit. [Tampering with the cannons] Hold on, let me see what I can do.

Joshua: Um, what are you doing?

Lyra: I'm going to add my taste to its firepower.

Joshua: (Confused) Meaning?

Lyra: You'll see.

Joshua: .....Well that worrisome.

Sojira: .......

Joshua: Sojira, you okay?

Sojira: I'm worried about Mielle. I believe in her but I do think it's almost suicidal to just go up towards that dragon like that.

Joshua: I'm sure she's fine and if things doesn't go well we have these cannons to attack right away.

Sojira: .......Yeah.

Lyra: it! I'm done! This should be......

Fatalis: Grrrrr!

Lyra, Sojira, Joshua: (Shocked)

Mielle: Hey, hey, hey! It's me your friend!

Fatalis: Using weak trickery, none doesn't effect me.

Mielle: No, I'm not tricking you! Luna's death remember? I was there when you cheer me up.

Fatalis: I'm gonna rip you apart!

Mielle: Apollyon! No, this isn't you! What wrong?

In a blind rage Fatalis slowly opens her mouth charging a fire blast at Mielle.

Mielle: (Shocked) No.

Sojira: This is bad, is the cannons ready?

Lyra: Been ready.

Sojira: [Run towards cannon]

Joshua: [Run towards cannon]

Mielle: Apollyon stop!

Fatalis: Erase!

Sojira: Fire!

[Cannon fire]

One of the cannons fire at the Fatalis back to gets its attention.

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