The TRIFECTA Chap 43 What must be done

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Spike: [Coughing] What the hell was that!? Hay!?

Jay: Ouch! That hurt very bad.

Spike: Well it didn't hurt that much cause you still alive.

Jay: Shut up!

Spike: What's more important, there was another explosion that happened above me where that dragon woman at.

Jay: [Getting up] So where do you think that attack came from?

Spike: I don't know, but I have a weird feeling of whose it's target is. Follow me!

Jay: [Sighs] Here we go again with this shit!

Spike and Jay race up the vines back to the location of the Namielle. When they arrive, the whole place was engulfed by flames and destruction.

Spike: (Shocked)

Jay: (Shocked) Wow, the explosion that happened to us was trash compared to this. The whole area is gone.

Spike: Hey!!! Dragon woman where are you?

Jay: [Searching] I don't see her anywhere. Well, accept for this large rock. [Touch]

Namielle: Agh!

Jay: [Freaking out] Ahhhhhh!

Namielle: [Fold her wings back] It's okay. I'm fine.

Kid 1,2, and 3: [Crying]

Namielle: [Sighs] That's was very close.

Spike: So you use your wings to protect them as a shield.

Namielle: Yeah, it's badly damaged now. I don't know if I can fly for a bit.

Mistress: That's perfect.

Namielle: Hm? [Sniffing] (Shocked) Another elder drogon? No, this smells familiar.

Spike: What? Her? No way. She's a hunter.

Mistress: Looks like men always believe what a women tell them.

Spike: Huh? (Angry) You calling me stupid!?

Mistress: No I'm calling you a fucken retard.

Jay: [Laughing]

Spike: [Punch]

Jay: Ouch my nose!

Spike: Shut up!

Namielle: [Whisper to kids] Hey, I want to guys to go back to your parents while they distracted. Okay? Be quiet.

Kids: [Nod and leaves]

Namielle: [Sighs] Okay, those bubbles definitely coming from her. [Spotted more of them]

Spike: [Walking forward] How are there so.....[Slip] Ah!

Spike slip and fell in the ground and started sliding uncontrollably.

Spike: [Stab the ground] Whew.

Jay: What is that!? ...... Soap? [Slip] Ahhh!

Namielle: [Grab] I got you.

Namielle grab him and toss him to high ground so he wouldn't get caught up in it.

Spike: Where is this coming from!? Wait, soap? Bubbles? Nah, from those descriptions that sounds like a Mizutsune. Mizutsune the bubble fox.

Mistress: You know your stuff I'll give you that. [Transform into Mizutsune]

Spike: (Shocked) Holy shit!

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