Gathering Events pt8

23 1 0

(Monsters among us)


Sojira: [Sending invite] Ok, now I have to send the invite.


Mew: Bitch! (Surprised) Oh, let's go! Meowster chief up and this bitch.

Sojira: [Sighs] Seriously Mew?

Mew: Come on, I have to bring the hype train you know.

Sojira: [Giggles] Whatever.

Mew: So where the others?

Sojira: They're coming.


Shiva: [Happy] Yo! We're doing this shit!

Mew: [Happy] I'm saying right!?

Shiva: Oh yeah!


Aj: Shiva what the hell you brought me into this time?

Shiva: My sister have a fun activity for everyone to play. You down for it?

Aj: I'm already here so yeah I guess.

Sojira: Sorry if Shiva cause you trouble trying to convince you. You don't have to join.

Aj: [Sighs] I have nothing better to do so why not and besides I feel like someone not going to leave me alone if I refuse.

Shiva: [Growls] Grrrrrrrr.


Lyra: [Sighs] I can't believe I'm here with you clowns.

Mew: Clowns!? You got something to say ballerina?


Joshua: [Cross arms] It haven't been 10 seconds and you already started something.

Lyra: Hmph. I didn't want to be here.

Joshua: Aw come on, it's going to be fun. Live a little.

Lyra: I guess.


Jamal: (Angry)

Sojira: (Shocked) ...... I did not invited him. Who invited him?

Aj: Imagine spawning in angry. Like what the fuck man?

Mew: I invited him!

Sojira: What? Why?

Mew: You told me to fine someone so I did. That's my choice.

Sojira: That's a bad choice Mew!

Jamal: What is this nonsense.

Shiva: It's a game. Trust, it will be fun.

Jamal: Hm.


Yatsu: [Sexual Moans]

Lyra: The fuck?


Yatta: [Yawning] Damn, I just woke up

Yatsu: Woke up being dead? Hahaha! I agreed.

Yatta: Shut your gay ass up!


Jay: Hey ya.

Lyra: Ew.

Jay: Gotta problem?

Lyra: You being around me makes me want to stab my own eyes out.

Joshua: Well I don't give a fuck what you think...... homes.

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