The TRIFECTA Chap 5 Becoming the Best Swordsman

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(One week ago)

The Shoguns Dream is a place for peace and balance. With hunters that only use certain weapons in that village, they use it with speed, power, and respect. Aiden who the current leader of the clan decided to keep the whole village a secret. Only people that he can trust or have potential can enters Shoguns Dream.
Currently, he sitting near a large tree on the hill waiting for someone.

Aiden: ( I wonder if he doing fine against him.) Oh well. Hmm?

Aiden turns his head behind him to see a little kid walking towards him slowly.

Aiden: Ah there you are. So mine me asking who has the upper hand in that fight?

???: Hm.

Aiden: Aj what happened?

Aj: I lost of course but it wasn't fair.

Aiden: Oh?

Aj: He was using one of my father's creations. I didn't stand a chance against that bull.

Aiden: Ah yeah I forgotten about that. Is it the engine hammer?

Aj: Hm.

Aiden: Why don't you use your father weapons as well? He been sending weapons for you since I accepted you in this village you know? Lots of them are pretty interesting.

Aj: I don't want anything that involves my father. If I wanted any help from him, the only help I need is to where to buried him.

Aiden: Relax man.

Aj: Listen mate, I'm going to be the best of the best. No matter what. And I don't need him to accomplish that goal.

Aiden: What is going on with you and your father. He the one who made the hunter weapons and working on some advance ones as well. He very famous.

Aj: (Sighs) That's the problem.

Aiden: Huh?

Aj: When people look at me, they look at my father. It's bothersome. They wanted me to be just like him or expect more. For me honestly I'm not interested.

Aiden: Wow I didn't know. That explains you randomly wanted to become a hunter.

Aj: Not really, I just wanted to learn way of a sword.

Aiden: That's surprise me.

Aj: By learning how to use a sword I can be just like you when it comes to using the secret counter technique.

Aiden: The reflecting slash technique?

Aj: Yeah counters projectile and any physical attacks while your sword sheaths.
Pretty helpful I'll tell you what.

Aiden: And also pretty dangerous. I have no problems for you learning how to use it, but if you use it and failed that can lead you wide open.

Aj: Whatever, I can live with that. Oh well I should take my leave for now. I'm going to go train.

Aiden: (Sighs) Alright then be careful Aj hope you will have success on your training.

Aj: Alright mate.

Aiden: And try to be nice to your father, he not a bad guy.

Aj: Lots of things happen behind close doors.

Aiden: Huh?

Aj walked away leaving Aiden in question. Aiden stay sitting next to the tree till the sun sets. Moments later Aiden heard noises on the branches of the tree.

Aiden: I know you there for a while now you can stop making it obvious.

Seconds later a little kid jump down from the tree right in front of Aiden.

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