The TRIFECTA Chap 26 The Blackened to Veil and Diablos

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(Wildspire waste)

Aj, Shiva, and the three palicos still traveling around the area to fine Sojira.

Shiva: (Bored) Ahhhh! I wanna hunt something.

Aj: Welcome to my world.

Shiva: (Pouting while mumbling)

Aj: (Sighs) Do you know for sure she'll be here?

Shiva: Of course! My lucky hat never wrong. Plus when she was little, she always create a pillar of ice around her when she scared. She must be terrified.

Aj: What if it's something else? Like another ice monster.

Shiva: (Angry) She's not a monster!

Aj: Yeah, you more of a monster than her.

Shiva: (Angry) WHAT WAS THAT!?

Aj: Why would she leave anyway?

Shiva: Definitely got something to do with Mew's death. I know it's hard for her. She even believes that it's her fault.

Aj: Hmph.

Shiva: Before all that happened Mew and I went on a quest without Sojira due to her hard work at studying for a handlers permit. Mew didn't have to do the quest but she wanted to talk to me.

Aj: What you two talk about?

Kuro: (Meow?)

Shiva: Um, it's nothing important. Just rambling on food you know.

Aj: Alright? (Is she lying?)

Shiva: (Found something) Oh look!

Aj: Sup?

Shiva: (Excited) It's a dancing cactus.

Aj: Don't we have an objective to do?

Shiva: But it's cute. Shake it little guy.

Cactus: (Dancing aggressive)

Shiva: (Throwing coins) Yeah, he got those moves.

Aj: I'm leaving.

Shiva: Ok, ok geeze lighting up a bit will ya.

Aj: It's about to be dark. We don't have time to mess around.

Shiva: (Sad) Aw. K.

Shiva and Aj continue their path to towards Sojira until they see a monster heading for them.

Shiva: Oh, it a Barroth.

Aj: Not our problem.

Barroth: (Spotted them)

Shiva: Hey it looking at us. Hello buddy!

Barroth: (Charging at them)

Shiva: Oh, it's coming here very quickly.

Aj: (Sighs) At least you got what you ask for.

The Barroth getting closer and closer to them until something rise up underneath it lifting it up from the sand.

Aj: (Surprised) What?

Shiva: (Excited) Oooo.


The monster slam the Barroth into the ground creating a whirlpool of sand that carried Aj and Shiva.

Aj: (Getting drag) Got damnit!!!

Shiva: (Excited while getting drag) Weeeeee!

They both sink into the sand right into a underground cave.

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