Gathering Events pt5

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(Hangout event) 2 Hearts 1 Moon.

(Three months before the attack on Selma)


Mew: No, no, no it's not like that! I just don't want nothing to interrupt this night, that's all.

Shiva: (Angry) And you saying that I'm gonna fuck up your little date?

Mew: (Nervous) This is my first time going out with anyone before and I don't wanna mess it up for her.

Shiva: (Smile) I was just kidding Mew. I was going out to do something anyway. I have a quest I need to finish.

Mew: (Relief) Thanks! I feel like I've dodge a bullet there.

Shiva: (Giggles) So, this is you guys relaxing night out. (Thinking) Hmmm, are you going to tell her?

Mew: Tell her what?

Shiva: You know what I'm talking about. The ring.

Mew: (Nervous) Um I don't know. I'm kinda scared. What if she fine it weird for me doing this? What if I mess up? Maybe I'm moving to fast.

Shiva: Relax, I think you're doing fine.

Mew: (Scared) .....

Shiva: Hey just forget what I said. I just want you two to have a good time tonight.

Mew: Thanks Shiva.

Shiva: Where you guys going anyway?

Mew: This place in Selma called the Meiyoung Palace.

Shiva: That place!? Isn't that very expensive?

Mew: (Blushing) She's worth that. (Smiling) Plus I always go big or go home.

Shiva: Alright. Then that the case, I'll be on my way. You both take care and have fun alright. (Leaving)

Mew: (Smile) Yes ma'am.

Shiva grab her things and left to go on her mission.

Mew: (Sighs) Ok Mew, don't screw this up.

Mew got herself ready in the bathroom wearing a black tuxedo for her top half and wearing a pink skirt for the bottom.

Mew: (Thinking while repeatedly putting on the hat) Should I go with the hat or no hat. Hat or no hat. Hmmm don't know. Maybe I should check on her.

Mew went to Sojira's room to see if she's up.

Mew: (Opens door) Babe? ......(Shocked)

Mew sees Sojira fully dress sitting at the window watching the fullmoon. She wearing a black sleeveless dress with tennis shoes and earrings.

Sojira: (Starring at the moon) The moon looks so beautiful tonight.

Mew: (Starring at Sojira) Yeah, so beautiful.

Sojira: (Stands up) Wow you look so cute with that on.

Mew: (Embarrass) I wouldn't call it cute.

Sojira: (Giggles)

Mew: What's up with those tennis shoes?

Sojira: (Smile) If I wear heels hugging you would be a struggle.

Mew: (Angry) I'm not short, I'd grew a bit!

Sojira: Hmhmm.

Mew: Whatever. Hmph. (Stare)

Sojira: (Tired) Hahaha.

Mew: (Confused) Hey, Sojira. How you feeling?

Sojira: Hm? I'm fine.

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