The TRIFECTA Chap 32 The Blind Rathian Queen

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(10 Years ago in the ancient forest)

A woman riding a small jagras inside the ancient forest looking for someone.

???: (Nervous) Where is she? Is she still alive? I hope she's ok, she probably been alone for two days tops and doesn't even know what going on. (Spotted something) Is this it?

The woman spotted a log cabin a little bit above from her. Quite for her surprise, she didn't expect to be as big as it is.

???: This place is huge! Not just that her house is literally on a big tree. Guess she wasn't kidding about the treehouse part.

The woman hop down from the jagras and made her way up the tree. When she got to front door she noticed that it been boarded up with thick wood.

???: (Knocking) Um, hello! Is anyone in there?

She place her ear at the door hearing small nosies in the treehouse.

???: Hey! I know you in there! Please open up I won't hurt you! (Waiting) ........ (Sighs) Nothing.

She walks around the area and notice a small hole in the top of the treehouse. She made her way to the top and squeeze herself in losing her footing and crashing straight onto a large table.


???: (In pain) Ouch! Damnit! That was clumsy of me. (Looks around)

The house is completely filled with darkness.

???: (Scared) Um, hello? (Walking slowly) You can come out now. I promise I won't hurt you.

She try her best to search through the darkness but with no avail.

???: (Sighs) Fine! Shelly! Light please.

Shelly: Buzz. (Glows)

The insect glows with a bright gold color that filling the house up with light.

???: (Smile) Thanks girl. Now where is she? (Looking) Hm?

The woman she sees small feet sticking out underneath the bed.

???: (Smiling) Found you.

The woman knee down to get a better look under the bed. When she did she see a small little girl holding a plastic butter knife.

???: (Giggles) I don't think that's going to hurt me.

Lyra: (Scared) .....

???: It's ok little one. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm getting you outta here. I'm friends with your parents.

Lyra: Where's my mom and dad!?

???: ......(Sad) It's very hard to explain, I'm sorry.

Lyra: (Yelling) WHERE'S MY MOM AND DAD!

???: ..... (Sad) They um, ..... They die protecting me.

Lyra: (Shocked) .......(Started crying) Mom? Dad?

???: I'm so sorry. They where both guards that's supposed to protect me in my travels. The place I went was way dangerous than I expected it to be. It was all my fault.

Lyra: (Sobbing)

???: Your mother last words is for me to take care of you. I do own a small orphanage building with loving kids in their. I treat all of them like they are my own. You will love it there.

Lyra: (Angry while crying) I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU!!!

???: Please, I've been looking for you for two days straight. And looking at you, I can tell you haven't eaten anything from that time.

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