The TRIFECTA Chap 105 The Beast of Night and Death

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Mew: Yumi!?

Mew dash outside hearing Yumi's screams. As she continues out it was still midnight as she went into the woods looking for Yumi.

Mew: Yumi! Where are you!? Yumi!?

Mew couldn't hear Yumi's voice anymore. Mew started to feel worried for the worst.

Mew: Damnit girl say something! Damn! [Dash]

Mew continue in the woods till she heard some trees falling in the distance.

Mew: Over there! [Dash]

Mew made it to the location but only sees destruction of broken trees everywhere.

Mew: Yumi? Yumi?

[Ground rubbling]

Mew: Hm?

Mew looks deeply into the darkness of the forest and sees a Deviljho looking right back at her.

Mew: (Shocked) Oh.

Yumi: [Whisper] Mew run! You need to go!

Mew: Yumi? Are you hiding somewhere?

Yumi: I'm behind a log over here.


Mew: (Shocked)

Deviljho walk out of the darkness reveling itself at Mew.

Mew: (Afraid) Hey big guy. How's it going?

Deviljho: [Roars]

Just the roar push Mew back including the log that Yumi was hiding behind.

Yumi: Oh shit! [Running]

Mew: Yumi don't run! It will.....

Deviljho: [Sprint]

Mew: Shit! [Running] Hey over here asshole! Come after me!

Despite Mew's yells of attraction, the Deviljho continue going for Yumi. Yumi is running as fast as she can through the forest dodging all obstacles in her way. She continues this till she randomly found herself on the edge of a cliff.

Yumi: What!? When did this get here!?

Deviljho: [Roars]

Yumi: Ahhhhhh!

Deviljho went in for a bite while going towards Yumi but she dodge just in time to try to escape. She went around the Deviljho trying to make a massive turn back to the house but the Deviljho tail trip Yumi making her land on the ground and hit her head on a stone. Her head bled while the Deviljho gets closer to her.

Yumi: [Scared] No, stop!!! (Shocked)

Deviljho: [Open mouth]

Mew: No you don't! [Slash]

Deviljho: (Angry) [Roars]

Mew: Rahhhhhhhhhh!

Mew roars back with aggression but the Deviljho wasn't faze at all by it.

Mew: Yumi can you run!?

Yumi: My head, I can barely see and I feel dizzy.

Mew: Shit!

Deviljho: [Running]

Mew slide underneath it and jump away while the Deviljho spin breaking everything around itself. Mew then jump on the monster face repeatedly stabbing the Deviljho but it shook her off as Mew roll out the way.

Mew: I need to find a way to get that bastard away from her. (Shocked)

The Deviljho snatch a tree off of its roots with its mouth then swings it at Mew. Mew duck underneath it but the Deviljho swings back hitting Mew towards a tree. The power of its impact broke some of Mew's ribs instantly.

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