The TRIFECTA Chap 89 the ones who knows Suffering pt2

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???: [Stare]

Sojira: [Stare] {What strange energy he have.}

This stranger have the same face as the two before him but in different clothing. Both of his arms and his chest are completely bandages up in black wraps while his pants are black with boots that looks extremely heavy to wear. But the biggest difference is his eyes. Both of the ones before him have light brown eyes but now it's completely black and his pupil is just a white dot.

Sojira: (Uncomfortable) It's like this guy is looking through me with her eyes.

???: You stop me and don't have a reason to do so. [Deep stare] You need to leave at once.

Sojira: What? No! What are you about to do!?

???: To accomplish a mission that was left for me to do so. Killing the moon God.

Sojira: What!? [Fighting stance] I can't not let you do that!

???: You're defending this God? How come? She lies just like the sun god and the rest of them. No more living a life of fear and doubts spread upon them.

Sojira: What are talking about?

???: So you don't know? Do you even know their secrets?

Sojira: Doesn't matter killing is wrong regardless of what she did.

???: [Stare] Killing is wrong? All I'm doing is removing the corruption that poison this planet at any means necessary. She will cause more pain and suffering to anyone if she still lives

Sojira: What she done that's so bad?

???: I seen his memories of the torture they lay upon her and I see the lies they tried to cover up with false hope. When he found out the truth about her that boy took all of that hatred and turn it into power. My power. Sadly his goal of creating a perfect world didn't come to light so as his final wish as an empty vessel of his body I'll will make that turn. But first, the gods have to suffer and know his pain.

Sojira: {I still don't get what he's talking about, but I can't let him do this.}

???: Do you wish to stop me?

Sojira: If I must.

???: Your chances are incredibly small. You'll die without any purpose. Leave and live your life. I don't want any innocent blood to spill but if you continue to interfere with me then I'll have to retaliate for the divine.

Sojira: (Worried) {This is still an illusion. Nothing is real it's just her trails. This is all a test and nothing more.} I won't let you hurt her.

???: ......Your bravery truly means something. Very well. I'm curious to see what you have. [Teleport]

Sojira: He's gone? I didn't even see him move.....[Teleport]

The stranger teleported himself and Sojira to a different area a few miles from Celestial.

Sojira: [Gasps for air]......[Coughing]

???: [Stare]

Sojira: What the hell was that!?

???: I'm being fair. I gain so space away from her so she won't get caught in the crossfire.

Sojira: .....Hm.

???: My name is Prodigy. I'm the embodiment of divine power and an empty vessel for whom used to belong to Zio. Now I'm here to accomplish what he couldn't finish.

Sojira: Prodigy.

Prodigy: Go ahead, you have four minutes.

Sojira: Four minutes for what?

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