THE TRIFECTA, Chap 3 An Icy Miracle RW.

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In the middle of training, Shiva heard cries in the distance. She followed the cries near a small river. Before she notice it was a basket floating down the river.

Shiva: Uh? Is that what the sound coming from? Oh no don't tell me.

Shiva rush towards the basket diving straight into the river.

???: (Cries)

Shiva: It's ok it's ok.

Shiva swim back onto land and open the basket to see that their a little baby girl in there.

???: (Cries)

Shiva: Hey, hey I'm here. Shiva here now don't cry. (What the hell? Why would anyone abandon a baby like this? Unforgettable. Wait what is this? Are these horns?)

Shiva touch the horns on the baby head and immediately the baby react to it and started crying louder.

???: (Cries) Ahhhh!!!!!

Shiva: Hey hey Ahhhhhhhh it's ok. Uh? Wait what the hell?

Before Shiva know it, the body of the baby began to get colder to a point that Shiva can see the frost all over the baby's body. Shiva can even see her own breathe.

Shiva: You are not a normal baby. What the hell is this? (Freezing) I'm so cold. Fr.... fr.... freezing. I'm going to put you right here for now o...ok?

Shiva place the baby near a tall tree. After that, shiva struggling to stand on her feet but immediately drop down to her knees breathing harder than before.

Shiva: I can't. (Coughing) I can't breathe.

???: (Cries)

Shiva face planted in the ground, breathing slowly till her eyes started closing. Before she knew it she past out in the woods where she train. Thinking that there no way anyone going to find her in time. Shiva give up the strength to keep fighting the cold freezing air.

Shiva: (Sleeping) Am I dead? No. I'm gonna die. Heh I didn't aspect me going out so young like this.

???: Shiva! Shiva don't you dare give up on me now. Please don't die I need you!

Shiva: Who is that? I've never seen you before.

???: Shiva! Shiva!! Wake up! Wake up now

???: (Smack)

A loud sound echo around the woods. Shiva woke up with a sharp pain on her face. She look around and she noticed Spike next to her.

Shiva: Ouch! Uh is that you Spike?

Spike: (Smack)

Shiva: Ouch! Why the hell you hitting me?

Spike: Cause you have a good slapping face.

Shiva: Why you little! Oh wait where am I?
Am I still in the woods?

Spike: Well you not far from were you was. I found you freezing on the ground next to a pillar of ice. What the hell happened Shiva?

Shiva: How did you know I was here?

Spike: I've noticed you going to the woods and train yourself to get stronger. So I didn't want to interrupt you. I also been hearing lound noises and trees falling an the area you've been training. You definitely been working hard I see. (Yelling) Train my friend! Train to surpasses the greatest future monster hunter. That is me but that will never happen heh heh.

Shiva: Back to the point Spike.

Spike: Oh yeah sorry. Today was different, I was mining my own business then I noticed a tall pillar of ice rise above the trees. I went to go check it out, then that's when I see you past out at least I hope you were. For a sec I thought you were dead.

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