The TRIFECTA Chap 100 Behemoth against All

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Behemoth: [Roars]

Spike: That's the monster who destroyed our home.

Jamal: (Angry)

Spike: (Angry) I'll rip you apart! [Dash]

Jamal: [Dash]

Jamal and Spike dash at towards the Behemoth without hesitation. Behemoth roars in frustration and swing its arm downward to slam on top of them. Jamal managed to jump on top of the Behemoth arm and started running along it towards its head. Spike went underneath the Behemoth stomach repeatedly cutting its front arms and back legs. Jamal made it to the head and use weapon wheel and grab a switch axe about to swing at Behemoth's face but it turns and grab it with it's mouth.

Jamal: (Shocked) Shit.

Behemoth snatch it away and swing it's head and smack Jamal down to the ground. Behemoth swing it's arm towards Jamal and that's when Jamal use his clutch claw and attach it to the wall and right before Behemoth attack connects Jamal managed to dodge out the way in time but the impact also managed to hurt himself by slamming back first into the wall. Spike continue to slice at the Behemoth's limbs but notice that it had no effect.

Spike: (Angry) What the hell is this thing made of?

Behemoth: [Spin]

Spike: (Shocked)

Behemoth spin with high speed making Spike get hit by one of it's limbs.

Spike: [In pain] Ahhhhhh!

Spike was knock away from Behemoth as he ragdoll towards the edge of the platform. He slowly started to slide off till Mielle grab him in time.

Mielle: Don't worry, I got you.

Behemoth: [Roars]

Mielle: Uh oh.

Behemoth: [Lightning]

Behemoth used lighting making the sky turn black and bolts of lightning started raining from the sky. One of them managed to strike Mielle but luckily had little effect on her.

Sojira: Mielle, you okay!?

Mielle: Better than ever!

Lightning started repeatedly striking all over the place. Everyone managed to dodge it but the platform started to break.

Sojira: The ground is breaking. If they don't get off this castle soon everyone will die. [Shaking Shiva] Shiva, you need to get up]

[Sun path]

Shiva: [Woke up]

Nike: [Watching football] (Angry) GET IN THERE YOU BITCH! FUCK, DAMN ANTS!

Shiva: Hey, talking dog!

Nike: (Shocked) Holy fucken shit! Where you come from!?

Shiva: I'm ready.

Nike: Huh? You ready? Wait, you didn't meditate, you were knock out and sent here. You are in a sticky situation aren't you!? That means........

Shiva: I'ma need your power.

Nike: 😈 Is that so? Hehe....

Meanwhile the Behemoth continues its assault towards everyone. Yu jump in the fight and use his switch axe and at the arm of the Behemoth. It actually did damage to the monster and it returned the favor by slamming its head to the ground and dash towards him with its horns. Yu challenge it's strength by clashing his weapon on the Behemoth but was easily knock away.

Joshua: Damnit, how can we fight that?

Lyra: (Terrified)

Joshua: Hm? You okay?

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