The TRIFECTA Chap 82 A Phoenix Heartstrings

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Sojira lay down in her bed thinking about all that has happened over a sort period of time.

Sojira: [Sitting down] .........[Sad] This is too much for me. [Sighs] How am I keep going on like this? [Tearing up] Some much pain, so much misery. I rather die than keep going like this.

Kuro: Meow?

Sojira: (Shocked) Oh, I didn't know you were here. Sorry Kuro.

Kuro: [Sad] Meow. [Hug]

Sojira: [Smile] Thanks baby.


Sojira: Hm?

Sojira can hear sounds of pain but then follow by a few knocks.


Sojira: I'm sorry but can you come later?


Sojira: (Confused) Shiva? I told you I just need some....


Sojira: [Sighs]......[Open door] (Angry) What!?......(Shocked)

Mielle: [Smile] Hey, it's really you.

Sojira's stop for an instinct to make sure she's not dreaming this.

Sojira: (Shocked) ..............Michelle? No Mielle. You can't be........[Hug]

Mielle: Hey, I miss you so much.

Sojira: [Holding tightly]

Mielle: [Smile]

Sojira: What happened?

Mielle: I don't know what happened but it feels like a part of me is missing and it's hurting so bad. It's...... strange.

Sojira: {Michelle, are you.....}.....[Tearing up] Oh, I see.

Mielle: Why you crying?

Sojira: Cause I feel like a part of me is missing too.

Mielle: [Hold tightly] It's okay Sojira. You....[Blushing] You made me whole again.

Sojira: [Smile]

Mielle lean slightly and kiss the side of Sojira's face gently and slowly.

Sojira: [Smile while blushing]

Mielle: I know what you said back then and I understand. It's just

Sojira: [Grab hand]....Come on sit, we have somethings to talk about.

They both sit down on the bed as Mielle place her wings around Sojira back and Sojira lay her head on Mielle's shoulder.

Sojira: [Sighs of relief] I'm so glad you'll here Mielle. How, did you survive?

Mielle: I can't remember actually. I just remembered seeing your face. Your tears....[Tearing up] hurts seeing you like that. And I can't bare to see that again and......(Shocked)

Before realizing it, Sojira gently turns her head and place her lips on to her's.

Mielle and Sojira: [Kissing]

Sojira: [Blushing] Sorry, I chest feels like it about to explode so I um.....

Mielle: [Giggles] I thought you wasn't ready for an relationship right now.

Sojira: I....[Sighs] it's complicated, especially when I thought you were dead.

Mielle: [Smile] Sorry.

Sojira: You don't have to apologize for that Mielle.

Mielle: Then....then you shouldn't apologize for kissing me. I....[Blushing] .....I love every second of it.

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