The TRIFECTA Chap 73 The Long Wait

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Shiva: [Woke up] Hm? What happened? [Headache] Agh! My head!

Shiva awake from a long sleep as she noticed that she was sleeping in the cave of the waterfall.

Shiva: Oh I'm here. How? [Stands up] What was the last thing that happened to me? Oh! [Remembered]

Shiva only remember the situation where she was trap in ice.

Shiva: Crap! I lost. I was too carless again. [Sighs] Oh well, it might turn out good at the long run.

Shiva jump out of the waterfall and was completely surprised at what she sees. Everyone is injured badly sitting near the lake.

Shiva: Huh?

Preston: Ahhhh! She's awake! Put her back to sleep!

Aj: Nah, I think she fine now.

Shiva: Aj? Why you have so many bandages on your body?

Aj: So you don't remember what happened?

Shiva: Hmn, I was frozen in the lake. That's all I remembered.

Aj: Jeez, You miss a lot then.

Shiva: What happened?

Aj: You went animal mode and attack everyone.

Shiva: (Shocked) What!? Where's.......

Aj: Over there. [Point]

Sojira: [Unconscious]

Michelle: (Angry)

Shiva: [Walking] Hey, how she's ........

Michelle: (Angry) Get away from her!

Shiva: (Shocked) Wah!?

Michelle hold Sojira in her arms tightly while keeping distance from Shiva.

Michelle: Getting any closer and I'll kill you.

Shiva: (Angry) Who the hell you think you're talking too? I'm the only one who makes threats! You wanna fight me!?

Michelle: (Angry) {What's up with this woman?}

Sojira: [Slightly moves]

Michelle: (Shocked) Sojira? Hey you awake?

Sojira: [Woke up] Hm? What's going on? I can barely move my body.

Michelle: Relax Sojira. Don't move to much.

Sojira: Ok.........[Stare]

Shiva: (Confused) How are you hurt so badly? You were winning the last thing I......

Michelle: You seriously can't remember what you done to her?

Shiva: Um? No, sorry?

Sojira: .......You beat me, but that thing at the end wasn't you.

Shiva: What?

Sojira: You attack me with killer intense saying mother. Ring any bell?

Shiva: Oh, her.

Sojira: Her?

Shiva: It's something I don't want to talk about. At least not right now.

Sojira: {Shiva hiding something from me? That's new.}

Shiva: [Sighs] When you fully recover from your injuries, we're going to see your mother.

Sojira: But our deal, I lost.

Shiva: I was going to let you go regardless. I was testing your determination. You did good and learn a few new tricks since I last seen you. Plus, it was wrong keeping someone away from family and I was very wrong for doing that to you. You need to know.

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