The TRIFECTA Chap 31 The Royal Guard

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Sony: I'm just a man looking for entertainment. (Smiling) My entertainment.

Joshua: (Angry) Sony! You piece of shit! (Trying to get up) You killed Mew!

Lyra: (Concerned) Hey! Take it easy! You extremely hurt.

Sony: (Giggles) Yeah, joshie boy take it easy. We don't want another victim on our hands.

Joshua: (Angry) You bastard!

Lyra: Get the hell away from us!

Sony: Oh? Hmm? Wait, have I met you somewhere before little girl?

Lyra: You don't fucken know me!

Sony: (Thinking) ....... No, I know I've seen you somewhere before. (Remembered) Oh, you that new girl that been took in from that woman. Hehe, small world we live in.

Lyra: (Angry)

Joshua: What? What woman?

Sony: It's a shame she die. Apologies, I didn't make it in time. But I did save you from that rare monster. That monster pretty strong. Even for me.

Joshua: What is he talking about?

Lyra: (Angry) Nothing! He knows nothing about me!

Sony: (Laughing) Hahaha! Welp put it how you see it child. But back to you Joshua.

Joshua: (Angry)

Sony: Why are you here? Is it cause of Sojira? (Giggles) What? Since Mew is dead, you think you can have a chance with her now?

Joshua: (Angry) I'm here to take her home! But killing you off will be way more satisfying.

Sony: (Smiles) I agree. But I'm a very busy man. I have lots of things to do.

A tall man walks behind Sony saying nothing with a dead expression on his face.

Joshua: Huh? Who's that?

Sony: Oh this guy? He's already dead, just a hollow shell of a body. A human puppet just delivering messages.

Human puppet: .......

Lyra: (Creep out)

Sony: It's a messaging human. I have a total of four of them, going to four secret locations that involve sending a message to my old friends. Friends from the old war.

Joshua: The old war?

Sony: Yeppers! I sent these guys at the start of the secret entrance and let them look for them. So I need to do that now. I've already send one of them in the Coral Highlands and hearing how things are she's already causing some problems. (Giggles) Bye!

Joshua: You not going anywhere!

Sony: I'm afraid you can't said that in the scenario you in my friend. (Snap finger)

Savage Deviljho: (Angry) (Roars)

Lyra and Joshua: (Worried)

Sony: I'm surprised you able to hold this big guy off for so long. You change for the better Joshua. I hope you keep up my expectations. Now finish the job. (Walks off)

Joshua: Come back here!

Savage Deviljho: (Roars) (Jump)

Lyra: (Shocked) Shit!

Joshua: (Shocked)

The Deviljho jumps into the hole almost lands on them but they able to get out of the way.

Lyra: There's nowhere to go!

Joshua: That means we gotta kill it.

Lyra: What!? You can barely stand and there no way I can able to hurt that thing without getting close to it's head.

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