The TRIFECTA Chap 21 Lovers Battle Cry

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Sony: Now listen what I have to say. I'm going to tell you the raw story of the old monster war between hunters and monster.

Mew: That story? Isn't that was made to scare little kids for going out at night?

Sony: So they turned it into that huh, a scary story for kids. Heh, that make sense. They didn't want people to know about the old world.

Mew: The old world?

Sony: Ah yeah, the beautiful world where humans and beasts live together as one.

Sony tilt his head up into the night sky.

Sony: I use to be a different person as well and I miss that life. I really miss that life.

Mew: (Confused) ....

Sony: Sorry. I'm drifting off a bit. Let me get started.

Sony clears his throat and began talking.

Sony: Imagine a world that's worship technology and machinery. Instead of the hunter weapons you have now, we used to have weapons that can destroy a big area in a matter of seconds. Instead of horses, we have vehicles that can drive or fly you anywhere. Building that's tall and beautiful. Little devices that are hand held that can search or navigate almost anywhere. You know, human shit.

Mew: .....

Sony: The elder dragons in this world now is your typical elder dragon. Hunt, kill, and survive. But back then, the elders who was here before the humans are way smarter than most. Smart enough that we can learn human languages to communicate with them. And believe it or not, the elders been working with the humans from time and time again making us allies. We help them construct with the buildings and other things while they provide us with easy food. It been like that for over 500 years. 500 years of just helping each other grow together as one.

Mew: (Don't care) Things change a lot huh.

Sony: Hehe, things haven't changed that much. When I see you two love each other. It make me miss the old days. I used to have a wife and a kid. My wife who was a human and my daughter who was inhuman.

Mew: Aren't you supposed to be a dragon or something? How do that work? And what are Inhuman?

Mew: It all thanks to a famous scientist who was obsess over the dragons. His invention are incredible. Making cures to most plague and disease, including cancer. Created advance weaponry and tools. And a way to prolong a human life span. But his greatest invention is what he done to me.

Mew: And what is that?

Sony: DNA fusion. A way to mix human DNA with the dragons, making them transform there skin, body, and appearance as a human. I was the only test subject and one is all that needed. And why is that? Cause I can transfer it to other elders. With that, some elders wanted to live like a human including me can. That's how I met my beautiful lovely wife and had a child. My child is what people call a inhuman. Just like Sojira she can't also turn into a dragon but have the appearance of one in her human state.

Mew: Hm.

Sony: But back to me, with DNA infusion if my kind wanted it, they can become human and live human lives. But there something I found out by using it. I somehow gain and copied the power of that elder or someone with a rare ability. If there were born with an ability then I can only copy it but if not then it's mines for good. Regardless, anything I copied will be twice as strong than the original user.

Mew: (That's probably the reason why he doesn't get tired spamming those attacks and heal almost instantly)

Sony: With all that, everyone live together in peace. That what I would say but, time change a lot of people. Most humans don't agree working with the elders cause of fear and hate. If something happens around the humans, they would easily blame my people even when they had nothing to do with it. All of that builds up in the coming years until things get more serious and dangerous.

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