The TRIFECTA Chap 53 Walk of Shame

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25 minutes has pass since the large pillar of ice break apart onto the ground. Crumbles of ice and crystal scattered around the dry lands of the sand. The people that left in the rumble of ice is Aj and Shiva. Jamal left the scene before everything crashes on top of him.

DP: [Pop out of the sand] Meow?

Kuro: [Looking around] Meow!

Richie: [Pop out] .......

All three palicos started searching around the area hopefully to find Shiva, Sojira and Aj.

Kuro: [Found something] Meow! [Started digging]

Kuro move small chunks of ice and located Shiva.

Kuro: Meow!

Shiva: [Unconscious]

[Rumbling in the ground]

DP and Richie: Meow?

Aj: [Remove ice chunks] All this escalated for no reason. [Sighs] This whole place is like a ruin now.

Aj emerges from the rumble looking at all the destruction from the fight.

DP: Meow!

Aj: [Pats] Oh, I see you'll still kicking mate. But what about the others? [Searching] Oh.

Aj walk over the ice seeing Shiva is halfway bury in it.

Aj: Hey! Wake up!

Shiva: [Unconscious]

Aj grab her legs and pull her out on a flat surface.

Aj: [Sighs] Always something with you. [Slap]

Shiva: Ahhhhh!!! [Punch]

Aj: Ouch! (Angry) Hey!

Shiva: You slap me!

Aj: To only wake you up!

Shiva: [Getting up] Well you should've just say get up!

Aj: [Stare] Yup, I should.

Shiva: ....... [Calm down] .....[Sighs while feeling down] Let's go.

Aj: (Confused) Now? Go where?

Shiva: What you forgotten our deal? You help me find my sister, I'll help you locate your target. That's the deal.

Aj: That's right, but a lot of stuff just happened and your sister.....

Shiva: Let's go. [Walks off]

Aj: (Confused) Ok?

Shiva walk up to the palicos and kneel down near them.

Shiva: Richie, Kuro.

Richie and Kuro: Meow?

Shiva: I want both of you to head back. Things started to get to dangerous here and I don't want you guys to get killed.

Richie: [Leaves]

Kuro: [Sad] Meow.

Shiva: Don't worry. I'll get her back. I promise. Now go.

Kuro: [Nods and leave]

Shiva: [Sighs].....[Walks away]

Aj: ......[Is she ok?]

Shiva: You coming or what!

Aj: Ok, now you're just being bossy. [Follows]

Shiva, DP, and Aj travel through the desert heading back to the ancient forest. A few hours have past haven't face any monsters heading to the location. Still, they have a long ways to go before they're reach they're destination.

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