The TRIFECTA Chap 65 Pushing Forward

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Sojira: [Woke up] Hmm.

Sojira looks around and notice once again that Mielle is nowhere to be found.

Sojira: Mielle? [Sighs] You got to be kidding me! [Stands up]

Sojira slowly made it to her feet as she was still injured from the battle yesterday. She peek her head out the hole to see if Mielle is somewhere at the bottom.

Sojira: Hm, where could she have gone to?


Sojira: [Panicking] Ahhhhh!

Something flew upwards pass the hole Sojira was looking out of. Sojira trip but immediately gets up to see what's happening. She stare at the sky and notice Mielle fly all over the area laughing and smiling.

Mielle: [Giggles while flying] Hey Sojira! Look at me!!! I ascended to new heights! Hahaha! I'm flying again!

Sojira: [Smile] That's awesome Mielle! I'm so happy for you!

Mielle fly towards the hole and landed on top of it.

Mielle: [Smile] You wanna lift?

Sojira: Huh? Oh no, I'm fine....

Mielle: [Pulling her] Come on, I want to show you something. It will only be a bit.

Sojira: Uh-um Okay, only for a....Ahhhh!

Mielle yank Sojira on her back and started flying extremely fast in the air.

Sojira: [Holding on] Slow down!!!

Mielle: [Giggles] Hehehe!

Mielle went above the clouds and stop while getting a good view of the scenery.

Sojira: [Close eyes out of fear]

Mielle: [Smile] You can open your eyes now Sojira.

Sojira: Hm? [Open eyes] Wooow.

Mielle: [Smile] Nice view huh?

Sojira: Yeah, it's beautiful.

They both stare out in the distance enjoying the view for some time now. Mielle position Sojira to be in front of her look towards the view while holding her.

Sojira: ......[Smile]

Mielle: Sojira.

Sojira: Hm?

Mielle: What do you see looking ahead of you?

Sojira: [Thinking] What do I see? Peace, quiet, and beauty. What about you?

Mielle took some time to give out her answer.

Sojira: Mielle?

Mielle: Freedom.

Sojira: Ooo, that's a good way to see it like that.

Mielle: ......You ever thought about leaving? Just going to a place far away from danger, violence, hate?

Sojira: It's been on my mind for some time now. Why?

Mielle started to glide down while still having a conversation.

Mielle: The second my wings heal up, my only mindset is to fly away and don't look back. All this stuff that happened recently, I just want to escape from all of it. I'm...... tired and not in a sleepy type of way. I'm tired of seeing or hearing my friends dying on me.

Sojira: .........

Mielle: You no different than me right?

Sojira: ......Yeah, I feel the same.

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