The TRIFECTA Chap 71 Upgraded Arsenal

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[Door closed]

Just before the door closes a little creature dash right through it without anyone noticing it.

Aj: We're here. (Shocked) Now what the fuck is this!

Preston: This is definitely not real but how is this possible?

Shiva: [Stare] .......

What they see is completely confusing to the naked eye. The first thing they see is the bright blue sky and clouds as the sun overwatching them both. There's a large waterfall going down into a lake with lilly pads covering parts of the lake. Most of the area are just chunks of rocks and water. Even with all that, they can still see the cave wall surrounding the area like a dome but can't directly see what's above them by it's fake sun.

Preston: Talking about going on a drug trip.

Aj: This can even hear the birds in the background. What is this?

All of them started started scanning the area as they all make their way to the large waterfall by jumping on the chunks of rocks. Aj made it there first as he touch the water from the waterfall.

Aj: Feels real.

Shiva: [Drinking the waterfall] Taste real too!

Aj: Hey don't drink that!

Preston: [Taste] Wow, it's actually water. It's clean too.

Aj: Really? But that dragon say it's just a illusion.

Preston: Well that's obvious, look at the sun and the clouds. We not supposed to see something like this a mile underground Aj.

Shiva: [Thinking]

Preston: This whole area feels like a dream but feels so real. This makes me have more questions then answers. Seeing all of this also makes me worried. It feels real to us clearly but we know it's a illusion right? If this is Sony's room, what's stopping him to do this for the whole planet? He have the power to do so. Maybe what we are living in is just a fake world base off of what Sony wants.

Aj: Nah, if that's true he would've easily kill us off with no problem.

Preston: What if he don't know?

Aj: [Thinking] Don't know.

Shiva: .......Hm? Hey guys, looks like there something through the waterfall. Looks like a smaller cave. I'm going through it.

Aj: Now just wait a.....

Shiva: [Jumps in]

Aj: Of course.

Shiva dove into the waterfall and enter the small cave. It's not much in there but a worn-out workbench with some items. She went in deeper at the far back and notice some remains that appear to be a monster.

Shiva: What's this?

She couldn't tell what the creature was but she knows it's big.

Shiva: Poor fella, it's must been lonely being in a place like this till the end. Hope you found your peace.

Aj: [Entered] Shiva? You alive?

Shiva: Yeah.

Aj: (Confused) So what you find there?

Shiva: Bones from a dragon I think but I couldn't tell what it's from. There's also a workbench over there. It looks outdated but I believe there are some parts for us to repair our weapons.

Aj: Good, then let's get to it.

Shiva: What? You a blacksmith?

Aj: Nope, but I did learn a thing or two from Aiden and have some experience from Bill.

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