Gathering event 14

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[Scene 1 Cut content from old chapters]

The TRIFECTA Chap 16 Training and Relaxation

Mew: (Embarrassed) Hey, get off of her!

Shiva: She need to accept her punishment! It's ass smacking time!

Mew: (Blushing) Stop!

Shiva: Oh? Look at your face. Looks like someone doesn't want me to dish out the punishment. Hmn, so, you want to do it?

Mew: (Shocked) What no!

Shiva: [Smile]

Mew: (Blushing) ......

Shiva: Well then guess I'll ......

Mew: Wait, alright. I.....I'll ......uh, um.

Shiva: Alright, come on and give her a good smacking!

Mew walk towards Sojira as her arms were shaking. She was about to deliver the punishment but something inside urges her to do something else. Her heart pounding uncontrollably as saliva started going down her mouth. With that she let her impulsive actions do the work.

Shiva: So what are you waiting for?


Shiva: (Shocked) ........

Mew bite down on Sojira's butt like an alligator hunting it's prey.

Shiva: Huh, talking about having your cake and eat it too. It won't be long before she......

Sojira: [Woke up screaming] Ahhhhhh! GET OFF OF ME! [Kick]

Mew: Ouch! I'm sorry!!!

Sojira look around and notice Mew is the only person in the room.

Sojira: What the hell Mew!?


Sojira: What is your horniest got to do with you biting me!?

Mew: (Blushing) I don't know. I just want to tasted you........Everywhere?

Sojira: (Blushing and shocked) Ugh, so weird.

The TRIFECTA Chap 8 A New Life

Shiva: [Force her in the tube] GET IN THE TUBE SOJIRA!!!

Sojira: [Resist] Nooooo! No baths!!!!

Shiva: You need to get clean!

Sojira: I DON'T NEED TOO!!! AND YOU NOT GOING TO MAKE ME!!!!!!! [Snow avalanche]

Shiva: Wait no!!!


Snow went everywhere looking like an outside of a Christmas party.

Shiva: .......

Sojira: [Pouting]

Sojira have snow all over her face looking like Santa Claus.

Shiva: ........[Giggles]......[Laughing]

Sojira: Hmn, why you laughing?

Shiva: [Making snow angles] Hehehe! It's nothing. [Sighs] Well, I tried. I'm not going to force you to take a ......


Sojira: ......Hmn.

Shiva: Heh? (Angry) Why you get in the water now?

Sojira: Cause it feels just right!

Shiva: The water was fine to begin with!

Sojira: NO! Even the sponge melted cause of that hot water you always use.

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