The TRIFECTA Chap 27 The Savior

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Axel: (Laughing) Haha! Wakie-Wakie.

Lyra: (Waking up) Who are you and what do you want?

Axel: I want your friend that's been around protecting you like a parent.

Lyra: (Getting up) I don't need protecting! Agh!

Axel punch her back down before she stands up.

Axel: I don't know about that. Looks like you need lots of protection right now.

Lyra: You piece of shit! Agk...(Being choke)

Axel: (Choking Lyra) Where is he by the way? I'm looking for him. Me and him need to catch up for good old times.

Lyra: (Can't breathe)

Axel: Aw you can't speak? (Laughing) Look at your face. It's about to pop like a balloon any second now.

Lyra: (Struggles to grab something)

Axel: Well I guess if you are dead, that's gonna hurt him mentally sooooo. (Squeeze harder)

Lyra: (Grab Nutcracker)

Axel: Sorry you won't live long enough to....(Getting smack) Agh!

Axel drop Lyra by him getting hit in the face by an hammer making him fall to the ground.

Axel: (Giggles) Damn, now that's what I call a swing. (Dash towards her)

Lyra: (Shocked)

Axel stop and squat next to her while she still trying to get up.

Axel: What's make a person strong? Do you know?

Lyra: (Trying to get up) Get the fuck away from me!

Axel: (Smiling) Answer the question. It's not hard.

Lyra: Killing your ass while completely heartless!

Axel: Heatless can be one of them but I'll say a person hands.

Lyra: Hands? (Shocked)

Axel grab one of her hands without her knowing.

Axel: By looking at someone hands you can tell what they been through. How soft. How rough. How damage. How broken. (Broke index and middle finger)

Lyra: (Screaming in pain and started crying)

Axel: (Giggles) (Repeatedly smacking her head) Come on, show me your toughness.

Lyra sees the hammer next to her and grab it.

Lyra: (Swings her hammer)

Axel easily dodge it dancing around her.

Axel: Is that all you got? Oh well.

He have two clutch claws that way smaller than a normal one.

Axel: These are specialty tools made to attack people instead of monster. Good for bounty hunting.

Lyra: (Scared)

Multiple Voices: Run! Rose! Run away! Don't stand there!

Axel: But it's not the reason why I like these weapons. The best thing about it, is the poison. This poison target their nerves while they suffering crazy amount of pain in the inside of the body slowly killing them. Plus it paralyzed them temporary making me take my time with my prey.

Lyra: You sick fuck!

Axel: It's only take one scratch of these blades and you done. (Use clutch claw)

Axel fire and swing both of the clutch claws like whips created a bladed like barrier around him.

Axel: (Excited) Show me your moves!

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