The TRIFECTA Chap 94 The Preparation

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Yu: [Stare]

Jamal: [Stare] So you called me here?

Yu: Yeah. It been a total of 3 days since that little incident.

Jamal: So you decide to speak on that now?

Yu: Heh, yeah. This situation wasn't really that big enough to step in. I know everything will be covered sooner or later. Oh and you not in trouble for killing him. He's unstable and deserves to be put down.

Jamal: (Angry) What!? Isn't that your second in command and your second best?

Yu: Guess he wasn't so good after all. I was just guessing. [Laughing]

Jamal: How can you laugh at this? You hire criminals and killers!

Yu: Cause I'm the only one who can control them. Keep the peace I would say.

Jamal: Control? Keeping the peace? Look what happened!

Yu: Trust me kid it be a whole different story if I would have joined in. [Sighs] My plan have be altered by your actions which wasn't part of the plan to begin with.

Jamal: What!?

Yu: That Namielle woman should have transformed to defend herself but she didn't. To keep everyone safe she decided to stay in her human form. She's too soft hearted. I wanted to see her tough and strong, do whatever it takes to live if she want to survive against our enemies regardless if it's an ally or a foe. If that doesn't work then my second plan was to get Seven killed by Sojira. Sojira doesn't look like she got what it takes to kill anyone if necessary. That will be a problem if we face some........surprises. There will be hard choices she have to make and sometimes it might be the wrong choice.

Jamal: So you planned that Seven would die?

Yu: It's like you said, he's a dangerous person. Eventually he'll try to stand against me and if we make it out alive somehow, I don't want to fight anyone for a long time. What I didn't expect was you.

Jamal: .......

Yu: You choose to save her not only that but kill Seven. Heh, with ease by the way. I'm a little curious about why you decide that.....

Jamal: Hmph.

Yu: But I feel like you not going to tell me.

Jamal: ......

Yu: Well, I got my answer. Hopefully whatever you use against Seven will be used again against our enemies.

Jamal: ......

Yu: All I wanted to say is thanks for helping them. You definitely changed.

Jamal: You wanted them to get stronger but what if your plan failed?

Yu: [Smile] I'm stronger than I look Jamal.

Jamal: (Shocked)

Yu: You should leave now and get some rest. We will be at our ultimate destination by three days.

Jamal: [Nod].....[Leaves]

Yu: Let's get ready for war.

Trish: [Knocking] Um sir?

Yu: Hm?

Trish: There's a problem in the cafeteria.

Yu: [Smile] I know, I can hear them from here. Hopefully they won't take down all the competitions.


[The Rolling stones, Paint it black]

Currently a bar fight is happening right above Yu. A bunch of crew members including Shiva, Aj, and Lyra are in a cluster of flying objects and fist. Shiva lifts a table and smacks it across a person's face then grab two other members and slam their heads together knocking them out. That's when a member kicks her in the back of the head but didn't have much effect on her.

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