The TRIFECTA Chap 14 Rich and Poor

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(2 weeks later)


???: I have to protect you no matter what you here me? That woman rather have you dead. The hell is wrong with her!?

Sojira: What? Who are you?

A very tall figure of a woman walks up to Sojira.

???: This is my fight alright I just want you to wait here. I'll be back.

Sojira: Shiva?

???: Hopefully my Snowball will see reason then you guys will be a family with no worries. I'll fix this. (Leaves)

Sojira: Snowball? Hey! Come back! (Woke up)

Sojira wake up from her dream confused and couldn't understand what's going on.

Sojira: What the hell is that? She looks like Shiva I guess but, it only give me more questions than answer. Snowball, who snowball? Is that me? No, it's like that woman was going towards someone named snowball. (Sighs) Let me stop myself. It's probably nothing. It's definitely one of Sony tricks.

Sojira stare at the fix window she finished a few days ago.

Sojira: I haven't heard of Mew in 2 weeks after that day. I hope she's ok.

Sojira remembered the night when Mew almost died.

Sojira: Why I keep going so far for her. Do I feel bad or maybe we not so different when it comes to being helpless and alone? I feel so lost right now.


Sojira: Hm?

Sojira heard knocking coming from downstairs.

Shiva: (Barking) Woof! Woof! Woof! Grrrrr.

Sojira: Really Shiva? Just really? (Giggles)

She open her bedroom door and from the top stairs she see Shiva at the door.

Shiva: Better be someone important or you're getting bit! Who is it!

Shiva open the front door with aggression.

Guard,3 : Um hey?

Shiva: What the hell you want lady? (Sniffing) I can smell that you from Rose hill.

Guard,3: Wow you Shiva the woman that been helping the Slums right?

Shiva: (Mean stare)

Guard,3: Ok ok wow people around here saids you very nice. Take it easy. (Kinda hard to see that)

Shiva: Speak.

Guard,3: Sojira have an invitation to a party in the building of Rose hill.

Shiva: (Shocked)

Sojira: (Shocked and confused)

Shiva: From who?

Guard,3: Joshua the King's son.

Shiva: .....The King's son! I'll give this to her. When this party will happened?

Guard,3: Tomorrow morning but, it is optional of course. I know it is out of nowhere.

Shiva: She coming!

Guard: Thank you Ms. Shiva.

The Rose hill guard gives the invitation to Shiva and left the area.

Shiva: ......Hey Sojira!

Sojira: I'm not going!

Shiva: Why not? It's a party invite from Rose hill. Who wouldn't accept this?

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