Gathering Events pt2

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Gathering Events is are short scenes that's not cannon to the actual story of Trifecta and won't effect the chapters. Certain parts per scene will have references to other movies or games or what if moments. Any deaths, injuries, or characters missing in action won't effect anything to the gathering events but the characters personality remains the same once last seen in the chapters. Each gathering events are going to be short with a total of 3 scene. Enjoy.

(Scene 1) No Mayo.


Aj Walking around the area of Selma with Dp looking for something to do.

Aj: Agh! I'm bored!!! It's really nothing to do!

Dp: (Meowing)

Aj: No bounties, no hunts, no..... Huh?

Aj spotted a small building ahead of him.

Aj: Could it be? It''s.... A subway!

Dp: (Excited) (Meowing)

Aj: (Smiling) And just like that, all the weight is lifted off my shoulders.....


The whole building exploded into thousands of pieces.

Aj: (Shocked) Wha....What the fuck!

Dp: (Laughing)

Aj: (Angry) Shut up!

Dp: (Still laughing)

Aj: What monster would have done this!?

Shiva: (Raging) Ahhhhhh! They don't have Mayo!!!!

Aj: (Not surprised) Of course.

Shiva: Huh? Oh it's you again.

Aj: (Angry) Shiva why!? Just why!?

Shiva: No Mayo! So I have to blow it the fuck up.

Aj: It's just mayo Shiva. You didn't have to...

Shiva: (Angry) You question my actions?

Aj: ......Wait what?


Aj: Now wait a minute I don't want to....

Shiva: (Running towards Aj) AHHHHHHH!

Dp: (Scared)

Aj: (Sigh)

Shiva jump and did a forearm attack at Aj but he quickly dodge it.

Aj: Sit down! (Chop)

Shiva: (Bite)

Aj: Huh? Ahhhh!

Shiva Bite his hand and started swinging him around in a circle. Shiva let go of him making him ragdoll towards the rubble.

Aj: (Pop out of the rubble) That's it! (Zeta Mode) (Pissed) Now I'm gonna kick your fucken ass!!!

Shiva: (Rajing level unknown) (Roars)

Aj: LET'S.....

Shiva: (Started foaming at the mouth) Agghhhhffgshh!

Aj: ...... Um?

Shiva: (Raging) (Deep voice) ILL RIP YOU APART!

Aj: Um I rather not let that happen.

Both dash towards each other with lighting speed.

Aj: Ahhhh!

Shiva: Mahhhwwaaaa!

(Clash and break reality)

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