The TRIFECTA Chap 101 Reawakening False Reality

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Shiva: [Gasp] Huh? What the?

Shiva stands up noticing all the destruction in the area and one by one she sees all her fallen friends.

Shiva: Yeegums......

AJ is unconscious laying on crumble rocks as so Jamal who's not far from him. Yu is also knocked unconscious and in critical danger by him missing a whole right arm form the explosion. Both Lyra and Joshua are on top of the castle both unconscious from the blast. Shiva continue to walk forward barley can see from all the smoke till she sees a damaged boar mask on the ground.

Shiva: (Sad) Oh no. What happened? Spike.....[Sobbing] I'm sorry.

Shiva looks around and notice Trish in the distance. She ran closer and notice Sojira next to her hurt.

Shiva: Sojira!

Sojira: Shiva? [Sighs of relief] You're okay.

Trish: I was just treating her wounds.

Sojira: Have you seen Kuro? I tried to.....

Shiva: Shhhhh, save your energy sis.

Trish: We need to leave while we can. This whole mission is a bust. I'll try to get the others while we still disguise in the smoke.

Shiva: .......No need for that. I got this.

Trish: What? Do you know what cause this?

Shiva: No actually. All I remember was an explosion then here.

Trish: Look you have to understand we can't beat that monster.

Shiva: Then you haven't tried hard enough. I got this!

Sojira: Shiva don't.

Shiva: Don't worry sis.

Shiva removed her hat and place it on her head.

Sojira: Gross.

Shiva: [Giggles]

Sojira: Wait, you going to fight it? We can't beat this creature.

Shiva: Sojira, I think I can. Maybe even taking down Sony too.

Sojira: .......Then.....take your hat back.

Shiva: Hm?

Sojira: Your lucky charm from your father remember?

Shiva: [Smile]

Shiva walk back to Sojira and gave her a big hug.

Shiva: [Hugs] Your my lucky charm Sojira. You always was remember?

Sojira: .......[Stare].....Then I'm coming with you.

Shiva: Sojira, don't make me knock you out.

Sojira: ......

Shiva: [Smile] I'll be back, I promise.

Sojira: Someone that I loved so much told me the same thing.

Shiva: .....

Sojira: You know what happened to her?

Shiva: [Sighs] I'll be careful. [Walking away]

Sojira: Wait! [Coughing]

Trish: Relax, you have deep wounds everywhere. If you keep moving you going to open them again. Save up some energy till you can heal your own injuries first then help her.

Sojira: .......

Shiva walk through the smoke to find the enemy that is responsible for everything.

Shiva: Hmn, the smoke hasn't clear up yet. Wonder what the hell cause this destruction.

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