The TRIFECTA Chap 102 A Hero Returns

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2 hours later

In the village of Selma everyone is quickly closing shops knowing of the uprising of monsters scattered across the area than usual. Curie, who just finished with her job today, lock her shop and quickly tried to make it back home.

Curie: Oh dear, things started to look very scary. More monster appearing everywhere now. This whole place might not be suitable to stay anymore.

Curie continue to walk but notice a little girl in the far distance by herself in the graveyard.

Curie: Why the devil is she out there by herself? It's dangerous out here now.

Curie made it to the graveyard and tried to speak with the young girl. She gently stand beside her looking at her same view.

Curie: .......That woman has a good heart.

???: ........Yeah, I know. She's one of my heroes.

Curie: Oh? A fan?

???: I'm a Sojira fan but I always love Mew's determination.

Curie: [Smile] What's your name little one?

???: It's Yumi.

Curie: That's a very cute name.

Yumi: Thank you.

Curie: Shouldn't you be at home?

Yumi: Home? Eh.....

Curie: What's wrong?

Yumi: I don't really have a home anymore. I ran away from home I think two years ago.

Curie: That's terrible!

Yumi: It's terrible if they care.

Curie: ......

Yumi: (Sad) [Sighs] .......

Curie: It's about to rain. Would you like to visit for some tea?

Yumi: I would like some warm milk if possible.

Curie: Of course, let's talk with some warm milk and tea.

Yumi: [Smile]


They both made it to Curie's home. The place gives out a warm welcome, a place you can't wait to go back to. A home with a proper roof on its head. Yumi was excited and satisfied being here.

Yumi: Your place is amazing.

Curie: [Giggles] It's nothing. I always been a little clean freak on my free time. I haven't fully clean everything to head to toe though.

Yumi: I definitely see your progress.

Curie: Sit here in the living room while I'll whip you up some warm milk.

Yumi: Okay and thanks.

Curie: No problem.

After Curie made tea and warm milk, she sat across from her and have a little chat about her favorite heros Sojira and Mew.

Curie: So have you met them in person?

Yumi: Only once in a restaurant. They both were dressed up beautifully. My friends and I kinda sneak in without no one noticing it so keep that a secret please.

Curie: [Giggles] Cross my heart and hope to die.

Yumi: I wanted to talk to them but I was so afraid but my friends assist to do so. They talk to Mew and somehow convince her to go talk to me. I was shaking in my shoes at first. I can't even say a word once she greet herself. I feel so pathetic back then. With a few seconds of uncomfortable silence Mew gave off a smile and I was a little confused by it until she mention my makeshift horns I made to imitate Sojira. I always love how the way she looks and the horns are just icing on the cake. She said they were beautiful and can tell I'm a big fan of Sojira. So she left and decided to get her in person to talk with me. Honestly, I can't believe this is happening.

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