The TRIFECTA Chap 104 Out of Retirement

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Mew: What the actual fuck? How do you know all of this?

Curie: I'm a close friend of Yu, everyone heard of him by now. He always send me letters of his current adventures.

Mew: Some much time have passed. Damnit, baby I'm sorry.

Curie: Do you understand the whole situation?

Mew: Okay so after my fight with Sony, a few months later Sojira decided to go after him. Which is very surprising. I didn't expect her to do something like that.

Curie: Love makes a person do a lot of things that's out of there comfort zone.

Mew: ........Hm.

Curie: Continue, I want to make sure you got everything down pack.

Mew: Sojira left but Shiva tried to stop her but failed the first time. That's when Sojira went on her own and by herself. Poor baby.

Curie: We haven't heard from her awhile when she left but Shiva decided to find someone to track her down, in her own way.

Mew: [Sighs] What did she do?

Yumi: She destroyed the whole bar filled with bounty hunters. Very popular situation I'll tell you that much.

Mew: Of course she still uses force to get what she wants.

Yumi: But with that, she did managed to find a high level bounty hunter that can track her. Top 3 I guess.

Mew: Smh, didn't even know they have levels.

Yumi: It really doesn't matter. Someone's ego started it.

Mew: Hmn, I guess Shiva beats everyone in the bar till someone calls Uncle.

Yumi: Nope, there was a hunter that was able to hold his own for a bit. He had a red scarf on carrying a katana.

Mew: Oh, Red scarf dude! Yeah I remember him taking some jobs in the village. Always wear that scarf no matter what's the weather is. So he agreed to find Sojira with her.

Yumi: You can say that.

Curie: They did managed to find her in the middle of the desert with a Velkhana. They were inside a large ice dome that reach high into the sky. Sadly no one knows exactly what happened in there other then the colossal incident. The Dalamadur.

Mew: I'm guessing Sony turning into a giant Dalamadur. [Sighs] And I thought he looks disgusting before.

Yumi: What are you thinking?

Mew: I might need a bigger blade.

Yumi: [Excited] Soooo cool!

Mew: There something that bothers me though.

Curie: What is it?

Mew: You also said the Nergigante.

Curie: Oh right, while in that dome a Nergigante swoop down and grab her taking her far away.

Mew: Why?

Curie: Don't know. He didn't really explain some of the reasons. Probably keeping it a secret knowing him.

Mew: .......

Yumi: Hey don't forget about Jamal too.

Curie: Shhh!

Yumi: (Shocked) Sorry.

Mew: Jamal? Wait, I heard of that name before.

Curie: [Sighs] I didn't want to tell you about him cause I know what he done to you and Sojira.

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