The TRIFECTA Chap 103 Truths and Monsters

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[3 days after Armageddon]

Sojira: .......

Sojira sitting alone on the deck next to the ships head statue.

Sojira: [Sighs] I can't believe this is happening.

Second later Mielle burst out of the water and land on the ship.

Sojira: (Shocked) Mielle.

Mielle: Hey.

Sojira: Did you see them?

Mielle: [Shaking head]

Sojira: [Sighs] My god. This is all my fault.

Mielle: Sojira, stop blaming yourself. None of that will help anyone right now.

Sojira: I know but......

Mielle: The fact that I haven't seen their bodies yet means they might be still alive.

Sojira: How? They both went into the water with those monsters. Most likely eaten by them.

Mielle: We don't know that......

Sojira: [Tearing up] It obvious Mielle!

Mielle: (Shocked) ......

Sojira: We can't just pretend that everything will be alright cause it's not! We lost! Monsters are spreading everywhere! I....I can feel it. I can already hear their screaming. There nothing we can do now the world is doomed. Best to just give up.

Trish: Never quit.

Sojira: ..........(Shocked)

Trish: Those are the words I go by in life. When I lost my left eye, something in me tells me to keep moving no matter what. When I lost my left arm, I wanted to just give up but the people around me, my friends kept me going. I want to quit but I know I'll never quit till I'll take my last breath. Going through all this pain, there's something on the other end of the road. I just have to keep going. We're not done yet, not by a long shot.

Joshua: She's correct.

Lyra: Joshua?

Joshua: We can't just give up here. There got to be another way. Another plan we can take.

Sojira: Like what? We are talking about stopping Sony! The man that destroyed this world. Our lives mean nothing! We were living fake lives from the beginning. Nothing real in this fake world.

Trish: Well, I like this fake world. And I'm not letting an asshole like Sony take that away from me.

Mielle: Right! I love this world too Sojira!

Sojira: ......

Trish: I know it's hard, but I rather stay optimistic then just said fuck it.

Sojira: I guess.

Yu: We are docking at Thread Island everyone!

Sojira: I'm still surprised he made it through his injuries.

Trish: Leaders don't go down so easily.

Sojira: Hm.

Artemis: ......... Jamal....

Sojira: ..... Sorry Artemis.

Artemis: What are they thinking!? What type of idiots will just killed themselves like that.

Sojira: Well, just like Mielle was saying , we don't know if they're alive.

Artemis: And we never going to find out either! Jamal, I haven't told him about how I feel.

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