The TRIFECTA Chap 44 Blue light that fades

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(20 minutes later)

Namielle just arrived at the Elder Recess. She turn back into a human and started running through the cave entrance.

Mielle: (Worried) Luna!!! [Running] Luna!!!

Mielle call out multiple times but nobody responded. She ran into one of the doors and started banging on it.

Mielle: [Banging] Luna! You in there!?

Apollyon: [Open door]

Mielle: (Shocked) Apollyon?

Apollyon: Mielle that's you? You're in bad shape.

Mielle: Where's Luna!?

Apollyon: Slow down. She's behind me laying down resting.

Mielle was about to run pass Apollyon but Apollyon stops her and hold her in place.

Apollyon: Let me finish.

Mielle: (Worried)

Apollyon: Luna condition is....very bad Mielle.

Mielle: What? What happened?

Apollyon: She was attack by an hunter and during that she was shot by an arrow that have some type of poison coated on it.

Mielle: Poison? Luna is too strong to get beaten by a mere human or poison even that.

Apollyon: The hunter she fought was very skilled even able to take on both her and Yatsu.

Mielle: Just one hunter fought both of them?

Apollyon: Yeah, he's very dangerous. He can use different hunter weapons all at once.

Mielle: What? Let me see her!

Apollyon: [Sighs] I'll let in but know that whatever this poison is, we don't have no type of cure to save her.

Mielle: She's strong. I know she can push through it.

Apollyon: [Sighs] Just go talk to her. I'll be with you in a minute.

Mielle: .......[Run in]

Mielle dash pass Apollyon to meet up with Luna.

Mielle: [Stare]......

Luna: [Talking softly] (Happy) Mielle.

Mielle: [Sat next to her] (Shy) [Waves]

Luna: [Giggles] Don't go all shy on me now. I heard everything outside talking with Apollyon.

Mielle: You going to be okay right? You went through way more dangerous stuff than this.

Luna: [Smile]

Mielle: [Tearing up] Luna talk to me.

Luna: Do you remember that place you show me? Your special place were you sleep back then?

Mielle: .......Oh yeah, the cave with the flower fields. It was my favorite place in the whole world. So quiet, so calm and peaceful. I haven't went to that place in a long time. [Sighs] (Embarrass) After that night.

Luna: [Stare]

(Flashback few years ago)

Mielle: (Excited) We here! [Yawning]

Luna: (Happy) Geeze, already sleeping? You were asleep for about 20 hours. (Shocked) Wow!

The entrance is blocked by a waterfall but was no problem to go through it. The cave was way bigger than expected for Luna. The rocks on the wall and above sparkle with tiny light looking like the night sky. The ground completely covered with beautiful flowers acting like a flowerbed looking comforting to lay on.

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