The TRIFECTA Chap 6 the Elder Dragon Slayer Awakes

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Sony: ( This is very interesting. He didn't transform into a full monster but he remain in a humanoid body. His but is different though, muscle mass increase probably way faster. The only thing I want to know is what monster is he?)

People in the crowd screaming in horror cause of this creature they don't understand.

Liza: Aj!!!! Aj!!!! What's going on? Is that even Aj.

Haze: Heh heh nice trick. What you trying to scare me with that look.

???: Oh scared? I just wanted to let loose. This body, I wonder what it can do now.

Meanwhile outside of the arena Aiden rush to not miss Aj fight against Haze.

Aiden: (Almost there almost there. Gotta hurry. I really hope you are winning buddy)

Aiden near the entrance about to open the door till he see a large beam shooting upwards inside the arena.

Aiden: What the hell was that? That's not good.

In the arena Haze still not going to back down from the creature.

The crowd: Run!! Run!! Why you not running?! Get a elite over here! Get outta there.

Haze: Haaaa Im not worrying about him at all. I'll show you what I can do brat.

Haze use the rockets of his hammer to launch himself towards the creature. Inches to the it's face the creature vanish then appear behind Haze poking his shoulder.

???: You was too slow so I gotten closer to you. Now you can hit me from this distance.

Haze: Why you!!!

Haze swings his hammer at the creature and it easily catch the hammer with one hand and yank it away from Haze.

???: (Laughing) Haaaaaa.

The creature who standing taller than Haze grab his face and trying to crush his whole head.

Haze: (screaming) Ahhhh!

Liza: Aj stop please!

???: Uh?

That threw the creature off for a second and didn't notice Aiden going for a quick strike at its neck. When Aiden made contact, sword broke in half given Aiden a surprise expression.

Aiden: What the hell are you?

???: Why does it matter?

Liza: it's Aj!!! Something happened to him!

The creature that was holding Haze toss him at Liza and Sony. They both got out of the way just in time and everyone in the crowd runs away from the arena.

Liza: My god that was close.

Sony: Hm.

Aiden: That's Aj? He is way taller than before. Is that really him?

???: Heh heh heh Zeta.

Aiden: Uh?

Zeta: Zeta the name you Zeta slow.

Aiden: Zeta slow? Isn't that like math stuff?

Zeta: Now you will die to a god haaaa ha ha.

Aiden: I can tell you have a huge god complex.

Zeta rush Aiden with a barrage of fist with Aiden doges all of them barely getting hit by them. Zeta jumps over Aiden and dive fist into the ground nearly miss Aiden but he got away. The force of impact was so great that dust went everywhere to a point where Aiden can't see him.

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