The TRIFECTA Chap 92 Broken Hatred

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........The wheel of faith have turned yet again. Bad things always happen to good people and sadly there's never a way out of it. It changed them to become something they hate but anything can happen once, that flame that been guarding them their whole lives fades. Hopefully your eyes will see something different, or maybe nothing at all.......


Jamal: [Wake up] Hm. [In pain] Ah, What the?

Both of Jamal's arms started hurting out of nowhere. Muscle tingling, veins showing as he clench his teeth in pain. The pain was so unbearable that he fell out of bed and onto the floor.

Jamal: {What the hell is this? Why am I in so much pain?}

Just as the pain getting worse it's stop just like that.

Jamal: Hm? [Stand up]......[Looking around] Maybe I'm overtraining myself but this feeling never happened before.

Jamal shrugs it off and tended his own business.

[Blushing teeth]
[New clothes?]

Jamal: .......

Jamal realized that this isn't his original attire. It's the armor set from a Viper Tobi-kadachi. He decided to wear the armor as it fits perfectly for him.

Artemis: Fits you well.

Jamal: .......Did you....

Artemis: I hunted one before.....all this happened. I made you an outfit from it. It took some time but it was worth it to me. I was gonna give it to you as a birthday gift until I realized that your old outfit is basically rip to shreds. So I made an exception.

Jamal: Hm.

Artemis: [Nod] Alright, see yah.

Jamal: Thanks.

Artemis: (Shocked)......[Smile] No problem. I'll be up on deck helping with inventory. Also waiting on Mielle to help me as well.

Jamal: Hm.

Artemis: Hey, don't be like that.

Jamal: [Stare]

Artemis: [Smile] If you have nothing to do you should join us. You never know, you two probably might be good friends. [Leaves]

Jamal: Smh.

Right as she leaves a small pain surge around his arms yet again.

Jamal: Strange.

.........You lost everyone you love: Mother, Father, Sister, your home, your life,..... vengeance is the only thing that strives you. You're consumed by it, lived by it, love by it......

Jamal: ....... This feeling.....

Once again Jamal shrugs it off and walk out of the room.

Jamal: Hm.


Jamal: Hey watch it!

Mielle: Sorry, sorry, sorry!

Jamal: Oh it's you.

Mielle: I'm in a hurry sorry. I was going to help Artemis at the bottom floor of the ship.

Jamal: Bottom floor? {I thought she'll be on the top deck like she said.}

Mielle: I'm a little late, I suppose to be there twenty minutes ago. Gotta run sorry! [Running away]

Jamal: Wait she's......[Sighs] She's gone. What was that all about? [In pain] Argh! This again? Why is my arms in pain like this? Maybe I should talk to Trish, she'll probably give me something for this.

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