The TRIFECTA Chap 107 Mew's journey begins

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Mew: [Eating aggressively]

Yumi: ........Hello.

Mew: Grrrrr.

Yumi: Ummm.

Mew: Oh sorry I thought you was someone else.

Yumi: Who? Curie? What she do?

Mew: [Sighs] Nothing. But I will get ready to leave soon. I have to find Sojira and the rest of my friends.

Yumi: You think you'll be safe going all along?

Mew: Of course. I've been through most things then veterans.

Yumi: Hm.

Mew: What?

Yumi: Can I go with you?

Mew : Hahaha! Hell nah! You know how dangerous this world is now? The sky is completely red. It looks like hell out there. All you going to do is slow me down.

Yumi: You don't know that!

Mew: Yes, I do. I can't let you get hurt little one. If Sojira fines out that her favorite fan dies on my watch I never gonna hear the end of it.

Yumi: [Sad] ......... [Leaves]

Yumi went outside and sat on the stairs next to the front door.

Mew: Sorry little one but it's for your own good.

Curie: You cool off yet or you need another newspaper smacking?

Mew: I'm good I'm good!

Curie: Hmph.

Mew: So your his wife huh?

Curie: Yes, from the original earth. I decided to go with him during the time at the departure. I took our child and aboard the ship beginning my next new life I have left.

Mew: Even a child too? Wow didn't expect to hear all that.

Curie: He's always shy but he's also a great family man. He always put family first before his own.

Mew: Hard to hear that one.

Curie: That only because you met his opposite, or his negative self first. But even then I noticed that he's a bit different.

Mew: What you mean?

Curie went to her room and grab Mew's custom made weapon.

Mew: Yeah, that's mine.

Curie: He gave them to me without saying a word and just left. He was completely insane when he first become Sony. Now, it's different. I feel like he's struggling but struggling with what? Himself? Is he trying to understand himself? Maybe he feels wrong about what he's doing.

Mew: No way, his heart is black as ever. I still think it would be best to just kill him.

Curie: Then he won't change the world for the better.......


Curie: (Shocked) ........

Mew: I just want my baby back. She's my world, she's my hope. The one that kept me going in life. I don't care if the world burns as long as I have her.

Curie: .......Such a strong bond of love. I'm a little jealous.

Mew: Hmph, well you should be. My love for her is unmatched.

Curie: Then I hope you find her.

Mew: Yeah.

Curie: So where you starting?

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