Gathering Events pt3

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Gathering Events is are short scenes that's not cannon to the actual story of Trifecta and won't effect the chapters. Certain parts per scene will have references to other movies or games or what if moments. Any deaths, injuries, or characters missing in action won't effect anything to the gathering events but the characters personality remains the same once last seen in the chapters. Each gathering events are going to be short with a total of 3 scene. Enjoy.

(Scene 1) Kitten Joy.

Mew: (Excited) We here!

Sojira: What is this place?

Mew: This is Kitten Joy.

Sojira: So you think this is the best place to get Palicos toys for Kuro?

Mew: ......Wait what?

Sojira: We went shopping to get toys for Kuro to play with. (Cross arms) Remember?

Mew: (Shocked)....... Oops. I fuck up babe.

Sojira: (Confused) Huh? What do you mean? (Looks around)

Sojira looks around and notice that there's tons of sex toys and items in the shop.

Sojira: (Angry) Mew!!! Why we here!?

Mew: (Apologetic) Um...uh..hehe. My bad. I probably blank when you said you looking for toys.

Sojira: (Blushing and embarrass) Mew, this is not what I.....

Lyra: Hello you two. You guys must be new here. I'm the owner of Kitten Joy, help fill all the desires of relationship that's needed. I have everything you need to spice up that spark of your.

Mew: (Excited) oOoOO. Ouch!

Sojira: (Pulling Mew's ear) Sorry we were just leaving.

Lyra: Aw, you sure? New comers gets one free items that's underneath 50 bucks. My treat.

Mew: (Tempted) Baby?

Sojira: (Pissed) NOOOO! WE ARE GOING HOME!

Lyra: Wow! You are very tense. You need to relax more, freckle face. I have few toys that fix's perfectly for you.

Mew: Oooo, can I see it?

Lyra: Of course, meet me at my desk.

Sojira: Mew! We can't be here.

Mew: It's only for a moment Sojira. It will be quick.

Sojira: (Sighs) Fine.

Mew: (Moaning and giggles)

Sojira: (Embarrass and blushes) Shut up!

They both follow Lyra to the front desk.

Lyra: Alright let's see what I have here.

Sojira: (Uncomfortable)

Mew: (Pats) It's fine Sojira.

Sojira: Hmph.

Lyra: Ha! Got something. (Place bunches of items on the table)

Sojira: (Shocked) Wha...what is this!?

Lyra: Ah, where should I start. Handcuffs, nipple claps, dildos in all colors, burn gel, hot wax, tightly cosplay outfit, vibrators, electric finger and this baby right here. (Place something big on the table)

Sojira: (Uncomfortable) What is that?

Lyra: The Dragonater piecer. You a dragon right? Nothing is more satisfying than getting stuff with a big, fat, juicy, (Slobbing) delicious, thick, filled, (Moaning)

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