Gathering Event 13

20 1 0

(Scene 1 DLC)

AJ: Guys guess what info I found about our future dlc character!

Sojira: DLC characters? Is that a little bit too soon for that?

AJ: Yeah, but it's nothing wrong knowing a little bit what about to happen right?

Sojira: Hmn, how accurate is this anyway? Will I finally reunite with my mom?

AJ: Um.......

Michelle: Sojira, you need a mother figure in your life?

Sojira: What um no I..........

Michelle: I'll be your mommy Sojira. I'll feed you all my milk fluids.

Sojira: Ew, what the fu.....

Lyra: Ayooooo! Not gonna lie, I'll get a taste.

Mew: No! Me first!

Michelle: (Angry) Get away from me you little thirsty goblins!

Shiva: Oooo! AJ are we all gonna be rich?

AJ: I don't know.

Sojira: Will I solved world hunger?

AJ: Who actually cares?

Lyra: Will I finally kill Jay?

AJ: I don't know.

Mew: Will i mess up Sojira's guts?

AJ: I don't know.

Sojira: (Angry) Hey! What do you mean by that!?

Mew: 😈

Lyra: Will I mess up Joshua guts?

AJ: I don't know.

Joshua: (Confused) Excuse me?

Shiva: Will I become the ultimate hunter!?

[Open door]

Jamal: No.

[Close door]

Shiva: (Sad) Aw.

Joshua: Will I die eating a this fat ass chicken.

Lyra: What chicken you talking about.....wait a minute.....

AJ: I don't know.

Sojira: Not to be rude Aj but it feels like you don't know any fucken thing about the DLC.

Mew: Yeah! Lying ass!

AJ: These all are just speculation. I can't confirm it's true.

Mew: Well that's some bullshit!

[Open door]

Jamal: Will I make all dragons be my slaves?

AJ: .......................... Maybe.

Jamal: [Nods]

[Close door]

Sojira: What the fuck is that about!?

Michelle: Looks like someone needs some milk.

Sojira: [Sighs] My fucken god.

Mew: 😈

Sojira. What? (Shocked) No Mew!

Mew: Too late! [Jump]

Sojira: Ahhhhhh!

Mew: I'll make my own DLC. Hehehe

Shiva: Ah shit!

Sojira: HELP!!!

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